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Coworker yesterday we were talking

In that discussion we were having they mentioned they wear a lower partial. I look at my phone after I get off of work and I see this on Yahoo.

So I heard Apple is in a class action lawsuit because of spying on conversations. Like how much more proof do you need that our phones ARE listening to us?????
My friend emailed me to tell me he had ordered a tire for his motorcycle. The next time I went on eBay, I got ads for motorcycle tires.
Jokersswild · 22-25
@WonderGirl When you opened the email, the browser tracks the content using pixel trackers. It's better to just use a VPN
@Jokersswild I use a VPN.
Jokersswild · 22-25
Eric Swoden revealed that to us. Yes, we live in a society under surveillance.

But might I offer an explanation? It's possible that you or someone on your wifi network made a search related to this ad. I don't think anyone is listening in on your phone unless your phone has spyware. It's just not possible.
twiigss · M
@Jokersswild the conversation happened at work. My work doesn't have Wi-Fi we can connect to.

Someone or something is listening.
4meAndyou · F
I know MINE is. I told a friend of mine about an AD I had seen for Elon Musk's tiny heater, thinking he could really use it to heat his freezing cold mobile home, and now my email receives Ads for the heater every day.
Never mind your phone. Your car and your tv remote are listening now too
@twiigss even the streaming services and YouTube forces adds nowadays 😅
twiigss · M
@SStarfish I use adblocker ultimate on Firefox and uBlock Origin. So on PC I don't get ads. On my TV and phone I do unfortunately.

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