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should Pa have the death penalty

in court here yesterday a mother was sentenced to 2 life terms for killing her 2 children. 8 and 4 years old she hung them from a beam in the basement of her home

RSquared · 61-69, M
I think the answer lies in your true convictions. If you believe in the death penalty and that it serves as either a deterrent or as justice meted out, you will say yes.

How could any mother hang her own childfren? How could she put them through such a slow, painful, and agonizing death. It's ironic that no states use hanging as a means of execution. It is considered cruel and inhumane treatment.

If you think the death penalty itself is inhumane and barbaric, you'll say no.

Personally, anything short of the same fate and sentence she imposed on her children is a mockery of justice.
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M

It's ironic that no states use hanging as a means of execution. It is considered cruel and inhumane treatment.

Wrong. Miscreants still dangle from a rope in NH, Delaware and Washington.

It has never been an 8th amendment violation
RSquared · 61-69, M
Until the 1890s, hanging was the primary method of execution used in the United States. Hanging was still authorized in Delaware and Washington when courts in those states struck down the death penalty, although both had lethal injection as a primary method of execution. The last hanging to take place was January 25, 1996 in Delaware.
senghenydd · M
Find the nearest tree.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
That’s terrible, but it doesn’t justify the state taking someone’s life. Lots of reasons. I’ll name a few: 1. Juries get it wrong sometimes, better to let all the guilty live than to kill an innocent person. 2. Death penalty is distributed disproportionately toward the poor who can’t afford the best lawyers. 3. More expensive to put someone to death than to keep them in prison for life.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
@NativePortlander1970 It doesn’t justify it for the three reasons I gave in my first comment. I’m not an abortion doctor, but you’d be right if you assumed that I have no problem with women and their doctors making medical decisions concerning their bodies without government interference.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@Theyitis The fact that the third argument could actually be true only proves how broken the justice system has become.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
@onewithshoes The third one bothers you more than the second one?
missyann · 56-60
I believe in the death penalty, but I believe it is more a punishment to get life without the possibility of parole, and put in the general population of a maximum security women’s prison. They take care of these kind of these evil people

How do you think we should punish women who choose elective abortions to kill their innocent babies ?
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So sad. It’s tempting to say yes. Not sure what that would achieve though. Just did a quick google and that one looks pretty clear cut, she planned it, researched how to get away with it. That doesn’t really support the defence that it may have been acute psychosis.
@Notladylike It's called justice
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I usually agree with the desth penalty
Northwest · M
The death penalty is final and maybe this case is clear cut, but we're now dealing with a woman who's about to be taken off death row, sue to a faulty "shaken kid syndrome" conviction.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I guess court often assumes the victims to have been able to fight against, but that's weird to say at that age. So rather death penalty.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
She will have to live with that over her head
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GrinNude · 61-69, C
@saragoodtimes Do you really wish anyone to be burning in hell for eternity?
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@saragoodtimes Hell doesn’t exist
Hate Sylvania was my birth land. Killing the social contract is very much the ethics of a hate Sylvanian.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
OMG!! Absolutely horrific
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
Oh Hell Yeah!
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Only in extreme cases like this. Then it is warranted.
tenente · 100+, M
omg that is tragic
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@RSquared it costs to go through the court process. Judges and lawyers don’t work for free.
RSquared · 61-69, M
@666Maggotz According to the Pennsylvania DOC, it costs $35K-$40K per year to house a prisoner convicted and sentenced to life without parole. She is 41. And that was her sentence. Do the math.
@RSquared I got an easier solution: stop locking people up for non-violent crimes. That will save us even more money. Then we can use it on people like her who shouldn’t be in society 🤷‍♀
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