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Prison Reform

Why does the federal prison system, not reform? I believe that the federal system should be
run like military prison. The vast majority of prisoners never grew up with discipline. Why not
instill it? Yes, I know, the ACLU would say it is cruel and unusual punishment, but they are
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Have you ever been to Federal prison? It is not meant to be like a military brig because most federal prisoners did not sign up for the conditions that come with the oath of service. That being said they are not country clubs either. The state prison are like hell holes. The guards beat you for virtually no reason, they're stabbings every day and most of them now are run by the national guard who do not care to do anything they pretty much let the prisoners run the place.

The federal prison is becoming more like State prison every day. The only difference is it is cleaner and you are allowed to have better commissary and things like tablets and computer access to email your family. And there are less fights because in the federal prison it is all about respect. Courtesy and manners is what keeps you safe not muscle power. When there is a fight in the feds it's usually with deadly intentions.

The main difference between the federal and state systems is the guards treat you like human beings and speak to you with dignity unless you disrespect them then you get dealt with pretty swiftly. All this nonsense about club Fed is garbage
DogMan · 61-69, M
@KingofBones1 Exactly my point, that bad shit would not happen if they ran state
prisons like military prisons.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@DogMan it would. What you need to reform is the guards not the prisoners conditions. State prison could be more like federal prison if you would hire quality personnel, and give the prisoners good things to focus on. Because with no incentive what is the point of good behavior. That is why programs like the animal Care program and certain other incentive programs have a 90% success rate with very little violence amongst the qualified inmates. But you go to rank and file and it is a whole different story. Statistics speak for this.
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missyann · 56-60
Absolutely yes like a military. There is absolutely no reason why drugs should get into a prison.. all of their medication should be in liquid form, so they can’t keep the pills in their mouth off and then either make their own drug combinations. I think we need to go back to the chain gangs.
The US incarcerates a higher percentage of its population than most countries. And if you think prisons don’t enforce discipline, you’ve clearly never been in one.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom I spent a year in military prison 40 years ago. No one ever got abused
in any way shape or form. The lights came on at 0500 and we marched to the chow hall
a half mile away. We then went to our pre designated "Jobs" were we worked until 1700hrs
then we went back to the prison after eating dinner, we cleaned for 2 hours, and lights out
at 2100hrs. I know a guy that was denied parole because he didn't shave on a Sunday.
another guy lost it for trying to sneak a candy bar into his cell.
@DogMan Military incarceration is vastly different than civilian incarceration.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Correct, that's my point. Military has 24/7 discipline, and prices
to pay for not following orders.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
That would be cruel and unusual. What next, are you going to recommend 1 hour of uncontrolled and unmoderated violence to teach the inmates a lesson?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MarkPaul Discipline is cruel and unusual? That is what they have lacked all their
lives. That is why most are in prison. As of now, there is far more than 1 hour of
violence in our state and federal prisons. That is the point of this thread.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@DogMan Discipline isn't cruel and unusual, but treating civilians (even as prisoners) as military recruits... well, that's not the way to teach someone discipline, legally. What next, are you going to suggest anyone who looks like they are shoplifting be shot and killed on the spot to make them learn discipline?
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Prison is meant to punish, they already get way too many perks to begin with.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 exactly! the only ones being punished are the weak ones.
@DogMan The only reformation that needs to be done is stronger discipline and structure, like how military prisons are, and harsh punishments against the bullies that prey upon the weak.

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