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Democrats know how to fix the crime problems

Blue cities and states have it figured out. Defunding the Police was the first move.
Because of this, and tying the hands of police, many have quit or moved.
Less Police, less people arrested.

The next brilliant move was downgrading felonies, to misdemeanors.

Then some states, like California made another brilliant move
by not arresting people for stealing under 950.00 in merchandise.

All these things will in turn, make crime rate statistics look much better.
People in office will get many kudos, and even get re-elected due to
their hard work decreasing crime.

I'm sure there are some other similar brilliant moves that I forgot, but
at least we can all breathe a little easier, knowing that our leaders
are working hard to reduce crime.
The definition of a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.

Reminds me of the skell, city council woman in Minneapolis who called for defunding the police, but was singing a different tune, demanding justice after getting violently carjacked.

I wonder if this chant of de fund the police will have an impact on departments now hiring non citizens as police officers,
I guess now if they lament their hiring or want more de funding, wouldn’t that be RACIST, XENOPHOBIC?
Liberalism is a mental disorder as per Michael Savage!!
@DogMan I stand corrected.
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specman · 51-55, M
@AcDcSWM sadly you will never see the light!
A friend of mine works for the sheriff's dep't in Oakland, CA. He doesn't get a chance to complete the paperwork for an arrest before the Soros backed DA drops the charges, and the perp is back on the street. The only reason he hasn't quit is because he has about a year left before qualifying for his pension. But the officers who are young, or those who are fully vested have packed it up and moved on.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy I'll bet the crime rate in Oakland is going down because of this, and the
DA will be considered a hero for reducing crime. Brilliant isn't it? If a tough on crime DA
ever worked in Oakland, he/she, would "actually" reduce crime, but statistics would make
it look like crime was getting worse, so they would be out of a job.
Northwest · M
Setting aside the fact that you’re completely wrong on defunding the police, you should feel safe because you don’t live in one of these wretched cities.

But do you ever wonder why the cost of housing in these god awful cities, is multiples the cost of housing in your “safe” zones?

Hint: too many people want to live in the “criminal infested” cities.

So something’s not right about your calculus, or maybe it’s MAGA outrage.
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M
@Northwest I think he’s a Russian bot dude. He may not know it, but his views are exactly what Russian propaganda networks say about us.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Northwest If you want a question answered, you first have to ask a question.

Next, you have to make sense.
Northwest · M

If you want a question answered, you first have to ask a question.

Setting aside the fact that you’re completely wrong on defunding the police, you should feel safe because you don’t live in one of these wretched cities.

But do you ever wonder why the cost of housing in these god awful cities, is multiples the cost of housing in your “safe” zones?

Hint: too many people want to live in the “criminal infested” cities.

So something’s not right about your calculus, or maybe it’s MAGA outrage.
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M
Explain why murder is down so much. That wasn’t done by making it legal. All violent crimes are down. Tells me people are in a better place.
So you hate their success and want to falsify the reasons for lower crime rates. And yes, lowering the stakes against individuals in the war against drugs(failure for decades!) lowered the need for violence by those involved.
It’s obvious you didn’t think this all the way through, or do any research beyond what a lying political pundit told you.
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats reduce crime by making crime legal, dropping charges against criminals, and cutting police funding. These Democrats live in gated communities so they dont have to worry about crime.
graphite · 61-69, M
@AcDcSWM Trump is a criminal like how Putin's toughest rival was branded a"criminal" and thrown in jail where he died? But Biden, the leader of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in millions of dollars through influence-peddling, is not a criminal.🤣

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Too bad you weave a few facts with a lot of fiction and entertainment from Fox.

What would fiction be?

The fact that you can't distinguish it from fact says volumes.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy Ok, so you can't defend your argument. I guess accusations are enough.
How typical is that? 🤣

Everything I said is happening. The fact that you don't know it, speaks volumes.
@DogMan Hold yourself to your own standard of proof and SHOW EVIDENCE.

You don't even comprehend what the "defund" movement was getting at, and ASKING for that did NOT make it occur...but you not knowing that is just amazing.
DogMan · 61-69, M

Murder rates by city. Most have been run by Democrats for decades.
@DogMan Add another one to NYC. …Crime is down so we’re told.
paulio · M
crimeis big businessin usa, hence why prison companies keep buikding prisons, usa has more peoplein prison then any other caucasian countryin the world
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M
@paulio crime is popular for business and businessmen these days. Seems widely accepted as a great thing, yet they stay out, while people who’s crimes have a much smaller effect on society do time, because they don’t have multi million dollar lawyers.
Business commit more crimes that involves everyone by refusing to pay taxes that provide funding for the services the government provides them so they can stay in business. Costing individual tax payers.
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M
Name 1 crime free red state, county, or city where the same couldn’t be said. They are famous for looking the other way when they like the crimes being committed. Jim Crow as reference.
specman · 51-55, M
Makes sense less laws = less crime!
When California had their primary a couple of months ago, the voters of San Francisco passed a proposition giving law enforcement their permission to police the streets and arrest law breakers, effective immediately, yet it seems as though the city council voted it down since it's not being done.
@soar2newhighs Exactly
@NativePortlander1970 I espoused something, and tomorrow in NY there will be a primary and that theory will be tested .
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Tough new laws that are not upheld, it's the progressive way. 😵‍💫
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@SW-User 🤣🤣....WOW! Who brainwashed you?

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