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How to eliminate urban law enforcement amd firefighter staffing shortage.

Instead of $20k+ hire on bonus.
Have a section 9 program available to police officers and firefighters who opt to reside within the coverage area of the station they are assigned to.

Section 8 is for low income people living in poverty, call it a section 9 program that could be a benefit that subsidizes the rental housing needs for emergency responders to reside within the communities in which they are tasked to serve.

2nd, recruite from the high homeless populations of areas with a homeless crisis.

How do we pay for it? Stop buying police departments weaponry and equipment of war.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Deputise all males as they cross over from Mexico
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Give them sling shots. Very effective against gangs with machine guns. How about double salaries and improve their equipment.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
Can you please vote on this

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