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My Car Search Experience: Probable Cause

Was thinking about that time I got pulled over by the police and had my car searched without a warrant. The stated probable cause was that I might be selling/giving alcohol to minors because I had beer cases visible in the back of the car and I was driving on a college campus where there were minors. In fact they were Bell's Two Hearted cases I got at a grocery. I just liked the boxes because of the fish on them.

The search of course involved everything being laid out on the sidewalk where I pulled over. Which was in front of my work. Everything out of my backpack, computer case, various tubs of stuff I had in the car. Then they finally asked for identification and when they learned I worked right there, they got twitchy. Yes. I had reason to be driving on the campus. Yes. They were boxes of books, papers.

So they say there has to be "probable cause". That was the stated probable cause.
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Really · 80-89, M
I think it's illegal here to have any alcohol in the passenger compartment, unopened or not. A six pack missing one can is a definite breath test.

Decades ago I was driving home after a couple of drinks (but not 'drunk'.) At the bottom of a long hill I saw a road block; pulled over to think about doing a 'U'. In seconds a police car appeared from nowhere and pulled up behind me. Cop got out and approached. I rolled down my window and he said 'Was that your beer?' - pointing to the ditch where there was a whole case lying! We had a short discussion and he eventually seemed to accept that I had nothing to do with the beer. "Why did you pull over?" - Oh I've had one drink but didn't want to risk the road block. "OK so what are you going to do now?" Turn around and go home. "No, you go down this hill and stop at the road block" - which turned out to be no big deal: They virtually waved me through and I suspect he'd radioed that I was OK. I also suspect the beer in the ditch was a setup but I'm not sure how it would have worked.
Really · 80-89, M
how are you to bring alcohol home if you can't have it in the passenger compartment? SUVs and station wagons have no separate area. so you cant bring it home from the store?
I don't know. Maybe the law's been changed since then - since people fell for the marketing and went all gaga about 'SUV's and such. In regular cars you would have the booze locked in the trunk.

Myself I have a mid-size hatch back with a lockable under-floor compartment: Just turnbuckles; no real lock. It probably would have passed the 'not in the passenger compartment' test. This vehicle has carried nearly everything I've ever needed including 10-foot lumber. For bigger stuff I have a small trailer. All nice & economical. Nothing more than I need, or to show off & brag about.

Apart from criminals no one here feels the need to carry a gun except for a permitted purpose and under strict conditions. It's just not that kind of country and we're not that kind of people.

how you do away with pigs! ]
I eat pork roast, chops and bacon.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Really you have to be able to bring it home!!!! it is your right. you need to stand up to the pig! 🐖

@trackboy That is not a nice way to speak about the police
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
If they want to search do something they can just make something up.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Virgo79 until you try to play football with younger guys or wrestle younger guys or go to the weightlifting gym with them and try to keep up with their weightlifting. or you try to match them drinking at a club or house party. 🍝
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@trackboy well i guess theyre more experienced 😁
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Virgo79 yes they are experienced! i Miss being on my high school wrestling team. was a lot of fun and miss it big time! I still have my school jacket with the sports names and varsity letters and medals on it and I still fit in it too. 🧇
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I lived for a while in a Texas border town. My friends and I had gone across the border and were stopped coming back across at the border crossing. Our car was searched to the point of having the seats taken out and everything removed while we stood there and watched. Their "probable cause" was four teenage males, two of whom were Hispanic, all American citizens, who might have been bringing drugs in. We were left to put the car back together and drive away when nothing was found.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@windinhishair I would have made them put the car back together. they tore it apart and now they have -the duty to put it back together. 🥞
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@trackboy Sure you would, tough guy. And how would you have done that?
trackboy · 26-30, M
here you are 18 when you start college or university as you are usually 18 when you graduate high school at the completion of 12th grade. 🍝
@trackboy same with Australia
trackboy · 26-30, M
@SW-User do you get a lot of high school students drinking there??? 🧇
@trackboy yeah
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
Shit I had my car searched once after some dude claimed I pulled a gun on him (normally I always have one but thankfully I didn't that day).

They had so many cops surround me & they all had pistols & assault rifles aimed at me while they approached me & got me out the car. Luckily I did not die but I also didn't get charged with anything either because I did nothing wrong 🤷
@ChiefJustWalks I had 4 guns pointed at me when my car was erroneously listed as stolen
I remember my friend being pulled over, when I was with her, in the eighties so a rookie could get some practice, then fined for not having a spare tire

The police force was so corrupt back then when she complained she got a 'visit' and they harassed her for months

Probably still is.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@trackboy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkCj7jJ8UbA
@trackboy appalling
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
That is such bullshit. What's really fun when they pull that crap is to be extra polite, because they are just waiting for you to get mad.

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