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I thought I was watching an SNL skit.

I watched a little bit of the trump rally in Ohio where trump went on a rant about washing machines and water. WTF?! I always laugh when Republicans accuse Biden of being senile. Projection much? Hell, Trump lost his faculties years ago.

And regarding his supporters. It’s startling how many at the rally were wearing JFK t-shirts. A woman was interviewed on Right Side Broadcasting and she said based on ABC123 (I have no idea), it’s proof that JFK, Jackie O, and Princess Diana are still alive. 😳

I used to read about cults and not understand how anyone could fall for it. We are witnessing it with our own eyes. How can you watch the below video and not believe trumpers are cultists?

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BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
The morning after Trump won in 2016 I thought it was a SNL rerun
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Truth is more idiotic than fiction...

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