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Tell me if this makes sense to you

So I got a game on Steam, in the game you need to get a job as a fast food worker to make money. So in the game, one of the items you put on the burger is "lettuce" well the guy who made it had it spelled, "lettuse" or something like that. There were a couple other spelling errors I noticed, so with me being extremely good at spelling words I reached out to the developer and offered, for free, to go through and fix any word errors.

The developer responds with how great it would be, yadda yadda yadda. So I'm like, okay so let me take a look at what you have so far and I'll fix it all for you. He goes, "oh, you just gotta play the game and any words you see spelled wrong, just let me know and I'll fix it"

I don't think he understood that it would have only taken me a matter of minutes to go through and find all the misspelled words and fix them for him. I get that, okay he's probably either A) not willing to just randomly give anyone access to game code or B) has his own thoughts about how to fix the spelling errors.

So I do get all of that. That's why you have a backup of the entire game, so in case you do get someone claiming to be helpful when they aren't you have a failsafe at least. I dunno, it just didn't make any sense to me. Like, I'm not so great at every single game in the world, so I might not get very far in the game to being with, and that's what I was trying to get to but I honestly don't think he understood what I was trying to convey very well.

He did however fix the misspelled words I came across, but there's no way I was able to get very far into his game unfortunately. So it makes sense in the fact like, I'm not just going to hand things over, but it doesn't make sense to say, oh just play the game to get all the misspelled words. At least that's what I think anyway.

Like if we'd gotten to know each other, and maybe he knew me better, I would have been all for that.
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You hear whats happenin? They wont be able to say your "buying" games anemore so they can change their OS and not be responsible for unsupported games you bought :| THIS is why i hava N64 dreamcast SNES and genesis
twiigss · M
@TryingtoLava YES!! I saw this and it's the worst thing ever! I had bought games previously with Yahoo but whoever was providing the games, shut down their operation, so all the games I had bought, 100% gone.

I have a NES, Sega Genesis, Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, and PS4. Cartridge and CD is the way to go, cause they can't take that back!
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Pretty tough to hand over the keys to the kingdom to someone you don’t know!
twiigss · M
@herDestiny Well I know if I needed help I would do it different. That's why I'm like, yeah I get it, so then you get to know the person. I got almost nowhere playing the game so I got as far as I could. And it's not even the game code itself, more like, the words used in conversation only, not actual code like, if car = 1 else, etc. etc. Just the conversation stuff. Hi welcome to burger world, you will need to use lettuse to make a burger.

That's what I was getting at.
herDestiny · 36-40, F
@twiigss Yes, I very much understand the issue. Also, I see it from both sides. Why wouldn’t he accept help? It seemingly makes no sense. And it absolutely makes no sense, except when it’s game code. I’m a beginner coder in 3 coding languages, so I understand. I might jumpstart my code by using whatever code I find available. It’s not that you would do that or that you’d create a whole game from the code, nevertheless, that’s a valid concern. It’s great of you to have helped as much as you did, I’m not sure that I would have made the effort, unless it’s a game I love. ☺
twiigss · M
@herDestiny Yes, exactly!! Well my whole thing was, okay maybe he doesn't have great spelling.... hey!! I'm great at spelling, let me see if he wants help!! And while he wanted help, it was more like, well you just have to play the game, I was hoping for a more thing of, okay you can be my spell tester and here's the words (not game code) because as I said, I could have had that whole thing fixed and tidied up in no time.

But it's okay, I did get some stuff spelled right for him. Yeah I just saw it and wanted to offer help.
Michmich · 36-40, F
You sound like such a nice helpful person!

Maybe he thinks that there are only a few misspelled words? Or is it like a lot of text?
twiigss · M
@Michmich So imagine you start this game and there's some dialogue, like a narration, but only in text. You drive into this town and there's a general store, there's a burger joint, so you go into the store wanting to buy an item but you have no money on you. You learn that you can work at the burger place to make quick money.

The game gives instructions but then it's like, when you are clicked on an item, some items are spelled wrong, or even in dialogue, some of what the people are saying to each other doesn't make sense, mostly because the developers first language isn't english.

So it is a lot of text.
Michmich · 36-40, F
@twiigss Well you offered your help and you genuinely seem to think that he could use it. It's too bad that he doesn't want to be helped as much, but in the end that's like his loss right?
twiigss · M
@Michmich Exactly. If I were making a game, or had made a game and it had tons of spelling mistakes, I would expect to let that person see a copy of the in-game words, not expect them to play the game and write down all the mistakes. I think the developers first language isn't english, but they seemed to understand well enough, maybe they didn't understand what I was trying to convey. At any rate, yeah, it's his loss.
CestManan · 46-50, F
Wait, someone is going to play a game where you get a job as a fast food worker?
Is that a joke?
twiigss · M
@CestManan It was a part of the game you had to do. You had to make money to buy certain items to upgrade, so it was like, until you got enough money which was maybe 2 in-game days, so half an hour of gameplay irl.

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