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When you travel do you try to speak the local language before trying the Linguafranca of English to be understood?

Lots of people speak English, some the proper language and others American English, so it is the Linguafranca of the majority of the world.

I saw a video on TikTok about how many countries the English have invaded and I was surprised that it is 92% of the world!🗺️ An astounding achievement for such a small place but they have taken with them the best of their culture which is imitated throughout the world.

You can speak English and lots of people around the world will be able to speak it and act as a cultural bridge from your home language which they are unlikely to understand.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I reviewed my Spanish (which I studied in HS) before we made a trip to Spain. I spent a year reading grammar books and listening to tapes. When we went, I spoke Spanish the entire time. The next summer I did the same in Mexico.

When we went to France, my wife was the one who did most of the talking, but I tried the limited French I knew.
Plus American media is big all around the world. English is the lingua franca for two reasons, the British Empire and Hollywood.

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