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i wish i learned to swear

i was a good mormon girl and i never cursed growing up, i didnt even want to at the age kids start learning to openly swear. but now im an adult and im still scared to swear because it sounds so unnatural coming out of my mouth but URGH a good curse can really add a lot of emphasis or humor to a story and im missing out on it. its so silly but this and other things make me feel so stunted

not to mention i feel like i can't even retell stories about my friends or whatever if the punchline is something they said but they swore so I have to leave the bad word out and it's just not funny without it 😐 it just doesn't carry the same oomf. or if i do say the word it just comes out weird and all everyone around me notices is how i just cursed and they're not even thinking of my story
PinkMoon · 26-30, F

Listen to this song until it's stuck in your head and sing along. Don’t bleep the words in your mind.
Frostcloud · F
@PinkMoon lol i remember listening to this song driving home with succulents on my lap after a succ haul
bookerdana · M
There was an old NY Yankee baseball ball player,Phil Rizzuto who knew how to curse too well. He kept on getting kicked outta games.So he had a meeting with the coaches and he learned how to say HOLY COW instead of ^#@!7+*

Its all awash in the end
Swearing offers a solace denied to even the most ardent prayer.
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