I help Saadia today with getting ready.
I have never lived in a Jewish household before and it rather puts our efforts as catholics to observe the sabbath to shame. Shabbat among Jews, even Messianic Jews, is a deeply religious tradition, and their observance of this day is second to none.
The reason why they observe is a direct result of a commandment from God. Christian observance seems halfhearted and not so respectful of the older Jewish traditions. I am not sure if I am as respectful as I think I am but I do enjoy the way that Saadia and her Da celebrate the Shabbat.
The reason why they observe is a direct result of a commandment from God. Christian observance seems halfhearted and not so respectful of the older Jewish traditions. I am not sure if I am as respectful as I think I am but I do enjoy the way that Saadia and her Da celebrate the Shabbat.