BridgeOvertroubledWaters And then there was the one about the drunk that wandered into a revival service during an evening meeting. It was cold and rainy and he figured that he could put up with the service and stay warm.
Well the preacher droned on and on about the tortures in Hell and how our Loving Heavenly Father would make life a Paradise.
"Don't you want to live in Paradise?" he shouted. Let me see a show of hands!
Everybody's hands went up except the drunk who had by now drifted off to sleep.
The preach saw his hand wasn't raised and tried again "tell me brothers and sisters who wants to meet the LAWD - show me your hands"
Again, his was the only ones down at his side.
"Nudge that man Sister" and she complied.
The drunk stirred in time to hear the preacher say "Sinner don't you want to see the Lawd when you die?"
"When I die, Hell yeah. I thought you was getting up a load now!"