Muslims: Why You Should Not Seek Acceptance From Posh People.
It's. Because. Allah. Doesn't. Want. That. Path. For. You.
Purgatory. Is. A. Long. Long. Longest. Way. Towards. Real. Paradise.
Muslims. Are. Only. Accountable. For. What. They. Did. On. Earth. For. Like. 50-60 years. Or. Whatever. Time. They. Spent. On. Earth. Or. In. The. Barzakh. World.
Then. There. Is. Accountability. On. The. Judgment. Day.
You. Are. Fine. As. You. Are.
If. You. Go. Into. Those. Territories. You. Will. Not. Prosper. The. Way. You. Are. Prospering. Now.
This. Is. Your. Path. Towards. Your. Destiny.
Your. Best. Self.
That's. Our. Goal.
Me. And. Allah.
Best. Version. Of. Every. Soul. Before. The. Judgment. Day.
You. Just. Have. To. Stop. And. Say. Thank. You. Allah. 5 Times a Day. And. Ask. For. Whatever. Allah. Has. To. Get. Fixed. In. Your. Life.
If. That. Is. Not. Self-less. Love. We. Don't. Know. What. Is.
Islam. Is. Like. Hotel. California.
As. A. Muslim. Revert. Or. Born. Muslim. Don't. Even. Think. About. Leaving. Islam. It. Will. Lead. To. The. Following. Photo. On. The. Left. Below.
Not. Saying. That. You. Do. Want. To. Leave. After. Everything. Allah. Has. Given. You. Because. You. Pray. Namaz.
Being Muslim is a Boot Camp. Purgatory is from 0 to 150 years of training and then job.
B. Y. E.
Purgatory. Is. A. Long. Long. Longest. Way. Towards. Real. Paradise.
Muslims. Are. Only. Accountable. For. What. They. Did. On. Earth. For. Like. 50-60 years. Or. Whatever. Time. They. Spent. On. Earth. Or. In. The. Barzakh. World.
Then. There. Is. Accountability. On. The. Judgment. Day.
You. Are. Fine. As. You. Are.
If. You. Go. Into. Those. Territories. You. Will. Not. Prosper. The. Way. You. Are. Prospering. Now.
This. Is. Your. Path. Towards. Your. Destiny.
Your. Best. Self.
That's. Our. Goal.
Me. And. Allah.
Best. Version. Of. Every. Soul. Before. The. Judgment. Day.
You. Just. Have. To. Stop. And. Say. Thank. You. Allah. 5 Times a Day. And. Ask. For. Whatever. Allah. Has. To. Get. Fixed. In. Your. Life.
If. That. Is. Not. Self-less. Love. We. Don't. Know. What. Is.
Islam. Is. Like. Hotel. California.
As. A. Muslim. Revert. Or. Born. Muslim. Don't. Even. Think. About. Leaving. Islam. It. Will. Lead. To. The. Following. Photo. On. The. Left. Below.
Not. Saying. That. You. Do. Want. To. Leave. After. Everything. Allah. Has. Given. You. Because. You. Pray. Namaz.
Being Muslim is a Boot Camp. Purgatory is from 0 to 150 years of training and then job.
B. Y. E.