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Why are white women converting to Islam?

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msros · F Best Comment
Because it is a religion of peace and compassion. Women are well protected from the eyes of other men in the hijab.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@msros Islam is indeed considered a religion of peace and compassion. It teaches respect for all individuals and emphasizes the importance of kindness, justice, and mercy. The hijab, for many women, is not just a form of protection but to maintain modesty and dignity, which is deeply rooted in their faith. It serves as a symbol of empowerment, as it allows women to be valued for their inner qualities rather than their appearance. In Islam, women are given rights to education, ownership, and independence, and their choices are respected, including the choice to wear the hijab as an expression of their belief and identity

Maybe where you are….. it don’t go down like that here.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush Thank you for sharing your perspective. The video focuses on the experiences of specific women in certain situations, which might differ from what happens in other places. Everyone's experience can vary based on culture, community, and personal circumstances
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
They are? Last time I checked they were infidels.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@BittersweetPotato The video shares the experiences of some women who converted to Islam and felt positively about how they were treated by Muslim men after converting. It’s important to approach these stories with an open mind and respect their personal journeys. Every individual’s experience is unique.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Hassanovic007 It is good that you recognize that these are nothing more than a few individual examples. Your question makes it seem as if all white women are converting in groups to Islam. Although, what is the significance of race here and why did you have to specify the race? Does Islam belong to brown people only and so having white people is like an achievement to be discussed?

They felt respect when they converted? Lol. Yea surely being treated as second class citizen and a follower of men, a material sex thing that should be covered in order not to arouse men does bring a feel of respect.
So that they can wear clothing that better protects their fair skin.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@SW-User While clothing choices can be a factor for some, many who convert to Islam describe their decisions as being based on spiritual fulfillment, personal connection to the faith, and the values they find in it. For them, it goes far beyond external appearances or practical reason it's often about a sense of inner peace and alignment with their beliefs
Prisoner1972 · 51-55, M
I don't know. If that's true then perhaps people switch religions because Islam gives them a better revelation of God of their understanding. Who are we to say which religion is right? Is it that important to you what religion somebody is? Why is it so important when people think? Our thoughts are flawed to begin with. What we think is not important. It's what we do that is. Even Jesus Christ said that in the gospel of Matthew. Switch from that one religion to another? As long as the religion you switch to points you to God. And encourages you to love your neighbor.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@Prisoner1972 You're right in saying that the core of many religions is to guide individuals toward a better understanding of God and to encourage good actions, like loving one's neighbor. Islam, teaches that the true path to God is through sincerity, worship, and doing good deeds. The Shariah, or Islamic law, isn't just a set of rules; it’s a framework for a balanced life, guiding individuals toward justice, mercy, and compassion. It encourages believers to act in ways that bring about peace and harmony in society.

Islam teaches that God is merciful and compassionate, and that everyone should strive to act in accordance with their beliefs, showing kindness and respect to others. While faith is deeply personal, Islam emphasizes the importance of righteousness and justice in actions, rather than simply following doctrines. It’s about doing good in the world and fostering a connection with God, not just in thought, but in how we live our lives. This focus on action and integrity is something that resonates with many people when they discover Islam.
Elessar · 26-30, M
No need, their fellow "Christian" men are working overnight to implement the same policies, just sit back and wait
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@Elessar While it’s true that societal changes can be influenced by various factors, it’s important to understand that personal decisions, such as conversion to Islam, are often based on individual spiritual journeys and beliefs. It’s not necessarily about policies or external influences, but rather about finding meaning, purpose, and connection to a faith that resonates with each person’s values
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@EarthlingWise Conversion to this religion is a deeply personal decision, and it's important to approach it with respect and understanding. For many, it's a path to spiritual growth, peace, and a sense of belonging. It's not fair to reduce such significant choices to mental issues, as people’s journeys are shaped by their own beliefs and experiences
@Hassanovic007 Beware of a desperate quest for " belonging", when you enter a sect, you actually lose your dignity.
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Straylight · 31-35, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo If anyone could do it, it’d be you.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@Straylight Haha, thanks, Straylight! I appreciate the vote of confidence. 😄"

This keeps the tone fun and engaging
@Hassanovic007 Jokes aside, you know who the woman in the video is right? She's an alt right extremist who lead the organisation 'Britain First' with her boyfriend before he started to physically abuse her. She was also convicted for religious harassment herself against Muslims. Britain first would regularly lead marches nation wide or blatantly mislead everyone. I've seen it in my city. Since then she's softened her stance but is still very much anti Muslim. Considering all of that is important before anyone takes her opinion seriously.

Yes, there's been a rise in people starting to convert but that's because of community not because of masculinity
eMortal · M
The Noble Qu'ran is very poetic. It really does sound like a love poem. That's why it's easy to be radicalized.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@eMortal it’s important to recognize that the message of the Qur'an is about peace, justice, compassion, and worshiping one God. Like any sacred text, its teachings are often misunderstood or misused when taken out of context. Radicalization often stems from selective interpretation and manipulation, not the core principles of the religion. Islam, like all faiths, promotes peace, harmony, and respect for others. It's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and a deep understanding of the faith's true teachings.
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
Maybe they stopped waxing, they want to hide their skin?
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@OriginalDumbMan Wearing the hijab is not about hiding or covering up, but rather a choice rooted in faith and the Islamic principle of modesty. It’s a way for women to express their devotion to God and to be valued for their inner qualities, rather than their physical appearance. The hijab symbolizes dignity and self-respect, and it is part of the broader Islamic teachings on modesty . It's important to understand that this is a religious practice, guided by spiritual principles, rather than a matter of hiding one's skin
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Hassanovic007 Maybe they want to be some guy's sex slave for eternity. After all, the guys have eternal erections so there will be no waiting.

In the biblical fairytale, there are no marriages in the golden cube so there is no sex for eternity. That's a long, long, time.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@Diotrephes it's important to approach these topics with understanding. In Islam, the concept of the afterlife is about peace, eternal reward, and spiritual fulfillment, rather than focusing on physical desires. The teachings encourage living a life of righteousness, compassion, and respect toward others. The notion of eternal life is not solely about physical pleasure, but about the ultimate connection to God and the joy of being in His presence. It’s essential to engage in these discussions with respect, recognizing the diverse ways people understand and practice their faith.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Hassanovic007 The Koran is far less racist than the Bible is but it is still basically a Jewish fairytale.
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
@Diotrephes for your point about racism, Islam, as taught in the Quran, promotes equality and unity among all people, regardless of race or ethnicity. It encourages respect for all humanity and condemns racism. Verses in the Quran emphasize that all people are equal in the eyes of God, with their worth determined by their actions, not their background.
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