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The beauty of Islam


This old video is of a pakistani man teaching an Arab boy wearing a sindhi cap in America how to recite the Quran like a Burmese man who was an imam in medina . This is the diversity of Islam ,
Very beautiful💕
If you are wondering what is the boy reciting he is reciting chapter 35 of the Quran.

Here is a link to read the chapter in English :

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Carazaa · F
❤️ Muslims are leaving their countries and coming to Jesus and immigrating to the Christian countries.

Jesus The Prince of Peace, who says love your enemies and pray for those who despitefully use you, he took the worlds sin on his own shoulders and died for us so we can have forgiveness and enter heaven when he comes.

The Christian countries have been the happiest for 1000 years and God has blessed us so much. Our governments have been so caring, so now all the Muslim people and the catholic and the Buddist people are leaving their countries because they are poor and are not happy in their countries.

Everyone wants to live in the Christien countries. And they are bringing their fighting with them. Jesus is peaceful, Christian husbands love their wives, Christian countries love their citizens and treat them loving regardless of their sins. Because we are all sinners!

Peace, I give to you! Jesus is coming back to judge the living and the dead in our generation. Only those who have had their sins forgiven can enter heaven. Only one God visited us and took the world sins on his own shoulders. His name is Jesus, my Lord! May you find him! 🤗
Ma’am, the United States is a secular country and not a Christian country.
I am shocked you are unaware of that simple fact.
And if you truly think that the United states is an example of “Christianity “ then You picked a terrifying example to portray your religion considering your country’s history including recent one of global crimes and even ongoing problems. Aside of the whole foundation of your country being based on massacring the originals.
Plus ,
Not all Muslim countries are suffering from war/civil war
There are many Muslims living a wealthy and comfortable live in their own successful Muslim countries.
Moreover , it’s only these past few decades that a lot of Muslims from certain places started to migrate to other countries due to war.
And Actually countries like Turkey , Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates etc have taken MILLIONS of those refugees themselves
So It’s not only non Muslim countries that take in immigrants and play “hero “ 😅
Furthermore , in history there has been many immigrations
Including “Christians” migrating outside of their country or even to Muslim empires !
The Christians used to send their children to Muslim Spain (andalucia) for proper education because cordoba during Islamic reign was the beacon of knowledge .
Moreover , people in general throughout history had the need to migrate to other lands despite of their race or religion
Like how many Italians polish etc migrated to the United States back then when Italy Poland etc were suffering . Or modern day Ukrainians migrating to other countries due to the war in their land.
And what makes your comment illogical is that most Muslims who leave their country and go to secular western lands still hold onto their religion dearly and build mosques so your point is irrelevant when it comes to Islam.
And which “Christian “ countries are you referring to ma’am ? I’m still confused.
Because the last time I checked ,
The United States and the Uk etc.. are all secular countries 😅 most of Britain don’t even identify as Christian as of 2023.
And half of Arica is majority Christian (and are actually practicing and religious) yet look at their situation , some of poorest countries with highest levels of crime.
don’t they have Jesus ?

Not only is that non of the western countries you are referring to are Christian
But also
“ The Christian countries have been the happiest for 1000 years”

Is the most uneducated statement I have ever read on this site.
Carazaa · F
@Islamreligion Most of Africa practice voodoo and Catholicism. I don't consider Catholicism Biblical. The most corrupt and violent countries are catholic, South America, Italy, and Mexico with their violent gangs. They bring their gangs to USA, and other countries. Muslim countries are the most unequal and disrespectful to women, so sad. Not loving at all. I pray for these Muslim and Catholic countries.

I don't like extreme capitalism, Hollywood or rap music in the USA, but it is a free country and The USA offers equal opportunities for higher education, and jobs with very high pay, and low costs goods and services, and lower gas and lower electric bills than any other country right now. There are lines for days trying to enter from South America. So sad that they have no hope in their own countries.

Sweden let many people in from the Middle East, gave them free apartments, free education, free food and schooling for their kids, and some of these same men have killed and terrorized in my home city (drove a truck and killed many on purpose, beat their kids, fight in the streets, and bully the police who are very loving and passive in Sweden. They were banned from Sweden and now they beg to come back realizing how good they had it. How crazy is that!! However, many Muslims have come to Jesus in Sweden and started Christian churches in Sweden and bringing many Middle easter immigrants to Salvation, praise God. God has a reason for bringing so many people into the christian countries and the hearing of the Gospel of peace!
Again , you ignored my question ma’am.
None of the countries you are referring to are Christian They are literally all secular so in other words you cannot provide an example.
You need to go and research what secular means.
and in fact those same secular countries and most of their politicians are actually fighting religious ideas including yours (Christianity)
If you look at a lot of empires when Christianity was part of the law ( not secular )
1/Most of the time freedom of religion was not a choice.
2/ women were not allowed equal access to education (even as of recent history when women couldn’t compete inscience competitions or major in medicine etc )
3/women couldn’t control their own money
And inheriting their husbands last name was not a choice
And I could go on.
The list is endless.

“ Sweden let many people in from the Middle East, gave them free apartments, free education, free food and schooling for their kids…”
Many Muslim countries did the same thing
They accepted millions of refugees and gave them free education free food free homes etc etc etc
Again not only western countries play hero.
Do you want me to give you explicit examples ? Because I am more than willing to do so.
Plus sweden is a secular country , so your example is again, irrelevant.

Also not all of those countries are Catholic I could give many examples of many countries who are not Catholic yet with majority Christian population in horrible situations yet you will continue to condemn them
And only cherry pick European countries especially those secular ones .
In reality , empires and countries fell and rose and Their situation always fluctuated throughout history and will always do.
There were many times in history Christians would migrate to Muslims lands and even seek their help and vice versa .
If your belief is based on country A and government B or year x and year y
Then how sad and shaky is your belief!
When you are ready to discuss the actual scripture then I’ll be more than happy to talk with you .
If you want to discuss country A and government B while fully knowing I could hit you back with the same examples wether historical or modern day
Then it’s going to be a meaningless argument hence I’ll respectfully pass such a ridiculous conversation.

And if you truly believe in peace and love you wouldn’t have come and bashed and insulted Muslims in a Muslim post due to your lack of confidence in your own belief.
Prophet Mohammed said :
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (or insult) his neighbor; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should entertain his guest generously."

Out of all of the words you could have chosen to say you decided to insult and bash Muslims .
I don’t go and bash Christians on their posts because that is disrespectful.
If this is Christian love, then no thank you ma’am.
Carazaa · F
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Jesus words in MATTHEW 11
@Carazaa my are you so wrong.. and if you are a christian go ask your preacher if you should tell others that there faith does not matter for i know what he would say. shame on you. . and as for Christians spreading good.. dont think so. that is controlled by the man who has the power. and not all men are good.. here is a question for you do you like Jews? they killed Christ. what about Buddhist or atheist . there are 5 main religions and several thousand others.. i believe there is no god. so will you hate me for that.. again go ask your preacher if you should hold so much hate in your heart.. I THINK NOT.. mark
Carazaa · F
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Jesus words in MATTHEW 1
Not only is sweden secular but :
“ It seems Sweden is one of the least religious countries in the world, along with countries such as the Czech Republic, France, Japan, Australia, UK and the Netherlands. Only about two in ten Swedes say that religion is 'somewhat important' or 'very important“[/b]

So how does sweden determine if Christianity is the truth or not ? 😅

Sweden also allows and protects individuals who wish to burn the Quran and did it twice
Does Christianity support that ? Support hate ? You will say “no”.
Sweden has high percentage of rape exceeding many Muslim countries
Does that mean Christianity support rape ? You will say “no.”
Sweden also supports lgtbq and even “advocates “ for it
Does Christianity allow you to advocate for lgtbq ? You will say “No.”
So you cannot choose a country or a government to portray your religion
It’s a losing argument .
When you want to debate Islam vs Christianity
You need to debate using the scriptures .
However , you have never bothered to read the Quran So you cannot withdraw any conclusions nor come criticizing me and my beliefs while knowing nothing about them.
To me ,
A righteous Muslim living in a hut somewhere is better to me than 100472937 successful non Muslims
And if you truly believe Christianity is the truth
Then a righteous Christian living a in hut somwhere should be better in your opinion than 1083928273 successful non Christians.
As for the situation of nations
History have shown us very well that they rise and fall
Just like many times Islamic empires were the best and even Christian nations sought help from them. So
You should base your belief on the scripture that
Not government A and country B
Especially cherry picking .

The Quran says :
Ali 'Imran - Verse 196-197
Do not be deceived by the prosperity of the disbelievers throughout the land.
It is only a brief enjoyment. Then Hell will be their home—what an evil place to rest!


Al-Hadid - Verse 20
Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment.}
@Islamreligion I do not intend to say anything bad about Islam however since you had specific mention about Christianity, let me pitch in here...
Sweden has high percentage of rape exceeding many Muslim countries
So what ? You yourself has mentioned that Sweden is not a Christian country. Now you are doing comparisons like 'exceeding that of many Muslim countries '.....so indirectly are you not admitting that rape percentage is significantly higher in Muslim countries ?

Just like many times Islamic empires were the best and even Christian nations sought help from them.
Can you quote specific examples?

Now you claim US, UK...as secular. You are absolutely right. US, UK, Europian nations etc who were primarily Christians or Jewish or Greeks... are secular now. To further add on almost all non islamic countries in Asia are secular. That only makes me respect the non islamic countries even more because they respect diversity and secular values and allow equal opportunities for all irrespective of their religion.
Can you say the same thing about Islamic countries? How many islamic countries in the world hold secular values. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, middle East, Bangladesh...just to name a few people belonging to minority religion are always in danger.

How much do Islam value women? Recently the Taliban govt banned girl's education once they reach their teens. Is this what Islam preaches.
Take the case of Iran. Women are forced to wear hijab against their will because authorities mandates that Quran says so. Is this the value that Islam brings in ?
Women voicing for freedom and the men who supports them are brutally killed even at this time? What source gives them this confidence to do so ? An Archer representing the country was shot in her eyes.
I am sorry to say Islam needs reform.

I can confidently say that no Christian countries in this age will ever point to the Bible and perform such oppression on women or on the non believers.
“ So what ? You yourself has mentioned that Sweden is not a Christian country”

Apparently you did not read carefully what I wrote.
I used the same logic as hers to prove that her logic is faulty and Not that this logic is correct .
I do not judge Christianity by country A or government B rather I studied its theology and scripture and decided its not the truth and that is the academic approach to any belief.

Indeed sweden is not a Christian country (it’s secular ) it’s also not a religious country according to statistics and that applies to all the other countries she was hinting at.
No country or government is a representative of any religion especially Christianity
When you debate religions you must discuss the scripture itself.
Then You went on and talked about the Taliban which many other Muslim governments do not even accept
And many Muslims are against
And now we are back to square one.
Islam doesn’t need reform
Especially when certain People like you don’t even know what Islam teaches let alone what needs reform .
“ Women are forced to wear hijab against their will because authorities mandates that Quran says so. Is this the value that Islam brings in ?”
The only two countries in 2023 that enforce it are iran and Afghanistan .
I could give endless list of what value Islam brings in.
No where in the Quran it says “force women to wear Hijab “
The word force is not there:
Also nowhere in the Quran it bans women from education please point at a single verse that says so. actually prophet Mohammed encouraged women to seek knowledge.
Yet Taliban don’t allow women education
Do we blame Islam?
Of course not.
Historically , many Christians pointed at verses of the Bible or even not in the Bible but cultural ideas to subjugate women
And so do certain Muslims
Two faces of the same coin.
Unless you are unaware of history including recent one .
Most of history Christian kingdoms did not allow freedom of religion isn’t that subjugating of non believers?
Cherry picking is easy.
Simply debate the two scriptures and the two messages .
It’s a hard challenge because people don’t like to learn and don’t want to seek knowledge but they sure love to talk judge and criticize before anyone else about things they don’t know anything about .
@Islamreligion Sister, I work on ground to help the underprivileged girls and women. And I am not sharing any contents of the scriptures instead the actual facts. Overall the most oppressed women community in the world are muslims. However sadly it is very difficult to bring change in their lives even if those women wish to because they all are binded by their patriarchal religious culture. Pursuing freedom implies their very own religious society prescribes torture and death for them. Those who prescribe these radically unjustified punishments says they are infact doing it for their God and his prophet. If we are to blame the radical elements alone, then when this is being said again and again why no knowledgeable muslims are standing up and raising their voices. It just requires collective voices from within. Oppression of women and non believers are not limited to Taliban and Iran alone. So I request you- a knowledgeable and rightful muslim to please not just focus on defending some verses of scripture alone but instead raise your voice against atrocities performed by your own religious people against the women and non believers.
Are you an atheist ?

Anyways , you are repeating things which I have already answered
So I’m left wondering was my language unclear ?
Moreover ,
If you are truly helping unprivileged people as you claim then good for you ma’am
I myself also try my best to do the same .
however , I don’t see the relevancy of your comment whatsoever to my post. My post is about a child beautifully and happily reciting the Quran .
If you have a problem with the Quran in general or chapter 35 specifically which is the chapter this boy is reciting then quote me this verse you have issues with and I’ll happily answer you .
Taliban isn’t the topic of my content ,
My content is the Quran .

With all due respect, If your next comment is about “Taliban this and Taliban that “ and not the Quran then your comment will either be ignored or deleted .
@Islamreligion I don't know where I have mentioned that I am an atheist. I am definitely not a muslim. I don't think anyone should categorize me as an atheist for that. I was not replying to the content of your post. I have no problems with that. I was replying your comment where you had pointed on Christianity. That is the only reason I pitched in.
Regarding ignoring or deleting my comments you are free to do so. I don't think I have said anything wrong in my reply. It was just a polite request to also raise voice for the people who are oppressed. If that offends you, I am sorry. If you are not willing to do so, no worries. No more further comments from my side. I wish you well.
Ma’am ,
I made no points regarding Christianity for you to have had to “pitch in “ or “correct “ me.

I was only explaining to that lady how her logic is faulty by throwing arguments back at her using her same faulty logic.
However , you assumed that I actually believe that such logic is correct and started to lecture me.
Anyways , your comments about unprivileged people are not related to my content.
Feel free to talk about such things in posts designated for such topics.
My post is about the Quran
If you have questions or issues regarding the Quran then feel free to ask
If not , then have a good day .
@Islamreligion I replied to these specific comments of yours.
If you look at a lot of empires when Christianity was part of the law ( not secular )
1/Most of the time freedom of religion was not a choice.
2/ women were not allowed equal access to education (even as of recent history when women couldn’t compete inscience competitions or major in medicine etc )
3/women couldn’t control their own money
And inheriting their husbands last name was not a choice

In the name of replying to @Carazaa , you were saying wrong things about Christianity. Being a Christian I had to clarify your misunderstandings and let you know that all the 3 points you mentioned ( lack of religious freedom, women denied access to education, lack of choice and financial freedom for women) are mostly applicable to muslims. Infact you were taking a word or two out of my reply and saying that my reply was related to Taliban or Iran. No.
It was specific to your comment(highlighted) on Christianity. While you mention about other religions, I just wanted to show you the mirror. That's all.
@Carazaa have you ever wondered why the church left out a lot of jesus childhood out of the bible.. a very large gap of time
[media=https://youtu.be/ViKewIp0LMU]Jesus In Islam
“were saying wrong things about Christianity“
I didn’t say anything wrong about Christianity , I actually defended it .

I said and I quote
“ Sweden has high percentage of rape exceeding many Muslim countries
Does that mean Christianity support rape ? You will say “no.”
As in Christianity doesn’t support rape.
governments aren’t indicator of religions
I don’t tie the theogony of Christianity to sweden
Not only because sweden is secular and non religious
But also because it’s illogical to judge the validity of a religion based on politics and governments
You simply return to its scripture and debate the scripture .
Amish · 22-25, M
@markansas This video was very informative. The middle years of Jesus's life has never been known. Thank you for this share.
@Amish my pleasure .. i have studied what i can and will keep on doing so.. thank you . mark
Amish · 22-25, M
@markansas Thank you Mark. I could see so many similarities between Islam and Christianity. The major difference is in considering Jesus also as God. If I understand correctly Quran treats Issa (Jesus) only as a messenger and not God. Treating Jesus or any other man as God is idolatry according to Quran. Jesus and prophet Mohammed are given the same importance. What I understand from my little bit of research is that Islam is the only religion that is strictly abstaining from Idol worship in every sense.
@Amish According to the Talmud, there were 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses
edited the Quran and the old testament was very close to each other . it was a time of change back then
Amish · 22-25, M
@markansas Thanks for this share. So the prophets in Judaism have no mention about Jesus or Mohammad. Isn't it ? Or am i missing something here?
Somewhere I read all three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam share some of the scriptures.
@Amish yes they do .. the old testament.. and by the way i am a baptized latter day saint who turned atheist .. go figure . i do love religion and i think it gives people the one thing all people need., and that is hope.. with out hope people just give up.
and i like chatting with you.. as you see i have done my studies and still do. history needs to be learned . mark
and the person who created this post is one of the gentlest persons on sw
Amish · 22-25, M
@markansas That's interesting. May I ask why did you choose atheism? considering the aspect you mentioned about hope. I am a Hindu and we follow a different belief system altogether. Out belief may have close similarity to Buddhism and Jainism. I too like chatting with you.
I do agree with you that this post owner has been kind. Normally I see when it comes to religious discussion, it is more about pushing their belief on others. Here I see a healthy interaction. Also I do not want to be rigid with what I believe. I am open to learn from others.
@Amish that question i will have to think on a bit.. i think i lost it slowly a bit at a time.. and yes it makes me sad . however it is what it is.. when talking about that i try to avoid it for i do not want to change someones view . that would be harmful in so many ways.. my mantra is DO NO HARM and that means caring for others and being careful in what you do. looking to see if i do this what will happen to her or him and that is going down a large rabbit hole there,. i do study Buddhism and enjoy it very much .. he was not a god ..he taught a way of life. in this i do find a bit of peace and hope... grin. edited i do hope this explains me a bit.. look at my whiteboard
[media=https://youtu.be/lLY76-NBBxQ]Life Beyond Knowledge | Shi Heng Yi
Amish · 22-25, M
@markansas Thank you Mark. You follow a very good philosophy in life. That's more important.