Carazaa Again , you ignored my question ma’am.
None of the countries you are referring to are Christian They are literally all
secular so in other words you cannot provide an example.
You need to go and research what secular means.
and in fact those same secular countries and most of their politicians are actually fighting religious ideas including yours (Christianity)
If you look at a lot of empires when Christianity was part of the law ( not secular )
1/Most of the time freedom of religion was not a choice.
2/ women were not allowed equal access to education (even as of recent history when women couldn’t compete inscience competitions or major in medicine etc )
3/women couldn’t control their own money
And inheriting their husbands last name was not a choice
And I could go on.
The list is endless.
“ Sweden let many people in from the Middle East, gave them free apartments, free education, free food and schooling for their kids…”
Many Muslim countries did the same thing
They accepted millions of refugees and gave them free education free food free homes etc etc etc
Again not only western countries play hero.
Do you want me to give you explicit examples ? Because I am more than willing to do so.
Plus sweden is a secular country , so your example is again, irrelevant.
Also not all of those countries are Catholic I could give many examples of many countries who are not Catholic yet with majority Christian population in horrible situations yet you will continue to condemn them
And only cherry pick European countries especially those secular ones .
In reality , empires and countries fell and rose and Their situation always fluctuated throughout history and will always do.
There were many times in history Christians would migrate to Muslims lands and even seek their help and vice versa .
If your belief is based on country A and government B or year x and year y
Then how sad and shaky is your belief!
When you are ready to discuss the actual scripture then I’ll be more than happy to talk with you .
If you want to discuss country A and government B while fully knowing I could hit you back with the same examples wether historical or modern day
Then it’s going to be a meaningless argument hence I’ll respectfully pass such a ridiculous conversation.
And if you truly believe in peace and love you wouldn’t have come and bashed and insulted Muslims in a Muslim post due to your lack of confidence in your own belief.
Prophet Mohammed said :
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (or insult) his neighbor; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should entertain his guest generously."
Out of all of the words you could have chosen to say you decided to insult and bash Muslims .
I don’t go and bash Christians on their posts because that is disrespectful.
If this is Christian love, then no thank you ma’am.