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NationalSocialist · 18-21, M
You read the Quran as a believer and remain in awe. You can’t see any errors in it because you are in love with it. I read the same book and find many errors in it. To me it is a tedious and an ugly book.
You say that you are not a fanatical violent person, you believe in peace, love and tolerance. Did you learn these qualities by reading Quran or are they part of your own family and society values?
Let us see what Quran say:

3:28, Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah

Is this how you think about your Christian, Hindu or atheist neighbors? Do you really reject the friendship of good people just because they are not Muslims?

4:84, Then fight in Allah’s cause - Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and rouse the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment.

Do you think this verse teaches tolerance?

Quran is replete with verses such as these. Don’t you think the Islamic terrorists get their inspirations from these verses?

Islam will take this planet back to 7th century.
NationalSocialist · 18-21, M
Quran is written in a way that each person can interpret it according to his own understanding, whims, inclinations and caprices.
A tolerant Muslim may be attracted to the earlier verses of Quran when Muhammad had no power and spoke good words like: "Speak good to men..." (2: 83) "To you be your religion, and to me my religion" (109: 6) and "There is no compulsion in religion"(2:256). But a bigot who has a sadistic predisposition will give emphasis to the violent verses of Quran that were revealed when the Prophet became powerful and need no more “speak good to men” or ask them to be tolerant to him letting him practice his religion. So his tone changed and he revealed violent verses like these: “Fight them on until there is no more tumult and religion becomes that of Allah” (2: 193), "Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him; in the next world he shall be among the losers."(3: 85)

Quran is full of these contradictions and discrepancies. A pious person will lead a pious life and will see the good things in Quran, while a terrorist can also find justification of his killings in that holy book.

This is not a “miracle” of Quran but its biggest flaw.

During the 23 years of his prophetic life, the Prophet was catapulted from rags to riches. This dramatic change affected his mood and teachings. Once a forbearing preacher and a lonesome warner, turned into an intolerant despot. He was no more sermonizing or "speaking good to men" or being “patient with what they say, and part from them courteously" (73: 10), but was howling for killing and screaming for blood. He called his followers to “Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in” them (9: 123).
NationalSocialist · 18-21, M
Although many of the hadithes are fabricated, they gradually start to shed light on the person of Muhammad. You will find Muhammad to be a vengeful, ruthless, lustful, sadistic man. This is not slander made by his enemies. This is the picture of Muhammad emerging from the Hadith narrated and collected by those who loved him and believed in him.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@NationalSocialist I'd like to note that ...
[Quran 2:83]
"Speak good to men..."
[Quran 2:256]
"There is no compulsion in religion"

All of these verses were revealed in Madinah, when the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had power. Plus, the ultimate nobility of a man shows when he forgives while he's powerful and in complete control. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered Mecca, after he was expelled from it for 10 years, what did he do to its people? Yes, he forgave them and said, "There is no blame upon you today. Go, you are free".

I'm not sure which website you are taking these misinformation from, but I'd suggest that you rethink your sources please. Thank you.

4meAndyou · F
That is so true. I am a monthly contributor to the MSPCA and the ASPCA. I once filled a coke bottle cap with water and fed the water to a cricket that was trapped in my basement, and he drank from the cap while I was holding it! I have rescued many animals in my time, and I own a cat right now who was a rescue.

There are so many beautiful things in every religion, and we should always embrace beauty and truth, where ever it originates.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@4meAndyou You are such an inspiration.
4meAndyou · F
@Madeleine I hope you will tell QueenofHeartz that not everyone on SW is horrible and bigoted toward those of other religions. (hugs).
Specialyouare · 36-40, F
I find it very wonderful to take consideration upon animals and not just our own kind. Well said.
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Madeleine · 41-45, F
@SparkofMadness May you explain more.
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Madeleine · 41-45, F

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