• A special person notices some of your posts/comments;
• They're drawn to your dirty mind and/or revealing avi;
• They perv your profile;
• They add you;
• They PM you;
• You perv their profile;
• You respond;
• They respond;
• You share things you shouldn't;
• You become co-dependent;
• You bond by exchanging used underwear and faxing each other apple juice;
• Then one day you notice they're ❤ing someone else's posts - but not yours;
• You attempt to make up with angry sexting;
• It works and they insist on a meet up;
• You agree because you're full of vodka and can't remember how to lie;
• You show up at the 3 star motel in Provo;
• They call and tell you they cant make it because their mother won't pay the airfare;
• You confess you hate your parents too;
• You go home and log on to SW;
• You find their tell-all 24 paragraph post (with screenshots, links, and a google map of your house) calling you out for being a catfish/child molester/homewrecker;
• You think about unfriending them but you don't want to look weak or needy;
• You send them a Q-tip as a gift hoping somehow they'll understand;
• They mute you;
• Random people start to console you by asking for nudes;
• You respond;
• The process repeats itself.
Its all so magical! You can trust me - I've been sawed in half.
You have either experienced this yourself or you another person (like me) hired by a secret government scientific organisation to study sw users mating habits...
@BatRinseRepeat but honestly though it is sad, how fucking insane it is and how fucking stupid we are sometimes. that's why i only have portable ventboxes here