Whisp506 · 26-30
As someone with bipolar schizoaffective disorder you should know better than anyone else that emotions and feelings can change on a whim. I'm sure he's going through his own issues and deleting his internet presence or going anonymous may have been the best decision for him.
Even if you both were neurotypical, I'd still say you should know that most of the time internet friends aren't real friends.
Even if you both were neurotypical, I'd still say you should know that most of the time internet friends aren't real friends.
AlienWhiteP0wer · 36-40, M
@Whisp506 still it’s kind of impolite and nobody said I’m comparing my experience with his
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
The Frog's going to a frog. We are who we are and we can't be anybody else. Just know your limits, know your boundaries and proceed with caution