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It's hilarious that it's 2022 and some people still think that the word "infidel" is an insult 🤦‍♂️

Imagine looking at a murderer and calling them infidel. It makes no sense.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'm gonna start using that
@BlueVeins Use it on me 😜
Why am I looking at a murderer. What led me to this point? I need more context
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Makes me think of when an American girl explained to me that "Christian" just meant "a decent person" in the US. (no irony intended on her part)
@EarthlingWise I saw on youtube the Christian anti gay protests in front of Disney land claiming Disney turns their kids gay. It was so weird this Australian youtuber interviewed some of them out of curiosity and there was this woman who from across the country who slept 3 nights in her car just so she can protest. Makes you wonder if they have better things to do or anything at all to do. They were all following some sort of a leader and there was these weird dances they did and things they chanted🤔 it looked a cult thing. Conservatives can be very strange.
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether All bigots share this feature. Their religion is just giving them a mission, never mind if it is all meaningless and vile.
Look here. You will follow my rules because I know the only way to go and you would be lost without me. If you don't follow these rules I gracefully gave to you, I will kill you, for your own sake.
smiler2012 · 56-60
well this understandable really as no matter the amount of years passed it is still classed as an insult though if somebody called you the b or c word [piecingmebacktogether]
Classified · M
I encounter that word so little, how am I supposed to know its use nowadays? 👀
deadgerbil · 26-30
I wear the infidel badge proudly
Sounds like something an infidel might say 🤔
@SW-User 😱

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