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Are you an observer of your life?

SW-User Best Comment
Always 😊

I'm sitting on the moon
Watching planet blue, hello
Looking all around🧐
@Elliya Thank you for best comment 😘
Elliya · 31-35, F
@SW-User 😘
@ElliyaHave we met before 🧐. Lol. Something very familiar about you 😉

When life puts you in tough situations don't say "why me", just say "Try me".
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I am more, "When will they ever learn and this isnt going to look good in my report"😷
Now I'm done replying to you, you ask good questions, but more I have to care upon my sleep. I love photography, I'm more open socially than I was once, but always had a way to avoid drama, saw it going on all the time. A few would just mention, you stay out of things (not really), and instead choose to observe. I was humbled, keen, they saw me this way.
Elliya · 31-35, F
@thewindupbirdchronicles it's like talking about me..
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
A few weeks ago my friend phoned me to ask how I was feeling. I had been suffering from some sort of stomach bug the last time we chatted. I told him that my illness malingers on but I said all is not lost. Perhaps the Lord is teaching me a lesson. My friend paused for a moment then said "Well it seems like you are a slow learner".
Elliya · 31-35, F
@hippyjoe1955 well, we need to be kind and compassionate towards others . No one has the right to judge u. No one can be in your shoes . Everyone has own consciousness process. We are not in a competition. Life is the best teacher of everyone of us . Whatever someone tells you, it's not about you. It's related to them , how they take the things, according to their consciousness level.
I'm sure you are trying your best to be fine with yourself and to protect yourself from such energy.
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
Life is teaching me some skills, some very particular skills, skills acquired over a very long career. Now I'm going to find the people forcing me to learn these skills and be their nightmare
Convivial · 26-30, F
Often an observer... Totally fascinating and often confusing
Elliya · 31-35, F
@Convivial indeed
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Elliya yes, indeed... We are often our own worst enemies
Elliya · 31-35, F
Great thought.....I need to remember this....
Elliya · 31-35, F
@SW-User 🤗🤗🌸
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Excellent quote
Elliya · 31-35, F
@GJOFJ3 thanks 👍
Tukudo · 41-45, M
That's the reality of life
Jackson711247 · 36-40, M
Very true statement
But then I start asking,
"Did I really need to know that ?" 😳

The universe can’t win. 😉

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