Allelse · 36-40, M
Yep, I was hanging off of a wooden post in the middle of this very wide river after hours and hours of hiking. My feet were all slashed up from oyster shells, I'd been stung a bunch of times by these blubber jellyfish and it had started to storm. I was exhausted. Now I don't know if you're ever been cut by oysters but when you do you bleed and bleed and bleed and bleed. And it occurred to me as I was out there that I might die and I was all good with the thought!!! I was at peace with death and I still am. In the end I got my breath back and the storm calmed down and I swam back to shore to find my friend who thought I had drowned.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@Creep A month later I slipped over a waterfall in the dark, I lost three fingernails, busted my ribs, bashed my head and took the skin off of my shins and both my knees. I didn't have time to think about dying that time, I just landed at the bottom, had a small partial seizure where I told someone who wasn't there to go get my wife to come pick me up, and then eventually climbed back up to the track.

OceanRoses · F
Almost drowned 13 yrs old someone grabbed me pulled me up was in the ocean got caught in a rip tide. Taught me about rip tides fast🌅
Glad you’re alive 😀👍@OceanRoses
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Yeah, drugs.
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@HannibalMontanimal Are you addicted?
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@Creep No. I haven't touched any hard drugs in a long time. I drink still but it's under control.
@HannibalMontanimal Good man. 👍