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what does the word 'orthodoxies' mean

i saw a recent interview with a conservative mp here in england, on youtube..and the mp was saying that ''conservatives must reject liberal orthodoxies?'' and i was wondering what was meant by that statement?

because i am on benefits for disablements i have, and i was fearing does that statement mean they want to do away with the welfare system, i would be against that obviously, because i rely on the welfare system because i am genuinly have disablements..and i think the welfare system should exist for those who are genuinly disabled?

anyway can anyone explain what this mp possibly meant by this statement '' conservatives must reject liberal orthodoxies? ''

Easy, there is not a Liberal MP anywhere that would use the word orthodoxies with good intention, they would use it to make you question the intent of those orthodox religious what their motives are. It's just changing the language back, and all about identity politics. Politics have become a sordid brand, and the MP is just trying to drum up votes using catch phrases. Nothing more, often they hold nothing original in thought (all politicians).
deadgerbil · 22-25, F

Now qualify this definition with the beliefs of liberals in your area, and you've then got your answer
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@deadgerbil And presumably with the beliefs of non-liberals, whatever both do in fact believe. The word "orthodoxy" itself is neutral.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@ArishMell indeed
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I don't know what the particular MP mean in what context; but an orthodoxy is a usually a rigid set of ideas accepted with little or no questioning.

While the true meaning of "liberal" is "free" - socially, to make one's own choices in life - not some sort of ideology as often very lazily used in politics as a partisan label too vague to have any real meaning.
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@merchantofoldeurope ] 🤔i think it has been a bad and a lazy use of the english language there i think what he is trying to suggest is any liberal orthodox policies should be rejected . but to be fair this is one one of the lesser crimes commited by any tory whilst they have been in office lol
val70 · 51-55
Sure. I'll give it a try. In my part of the world conservatism would mean that they want to keep the welfare state whilst liberal orthodoxy would mean that they'll bankrupt the system. It's the difference between socialism and anarchism on the other side of politics
hunkalove · 61-69, M
An impressive serious scary word for propaganda.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
It just means Doxycycline for orthopaedic reasons.

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