Inspirational quote dump
Yeah, I know they're simplistic and overgeneralized, but that's kinda the point. They contain nuggets of wisdom that could be applied to a variety of scenarios. Posting them here because I could use a reminder sometimes that not everything is hopeless whenever there's more room to grow.
Time spent wishing is time wasted. Nothing that's worth having comes easy.
Don't bother comparing yourself to others. They have not had the kind of life you've had.
You won't get the results you want right away. Just focus on becoming a little better every day. Each step forward is one step closer to your goals.
There are many things in life you can't control, but there are some things that you absolutely can.
Nobody has the power to ruin your day. They only have as much influence as you let them have.
No one else can live your life for you. You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul.
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts.

Time spent wishing is time wasted. Nothing that's worth having comes easy.
Don't bother comparing yourself to others. They have not had the kind of life you've had.
You won't get the results you want right away. Just focus on becoming a little better every day. Each step forward is one step closer to your goals.
There are many things in life you can't control, but there are some things that you absolutely can.
Nobody has the power to ruin your day. They only have as much influence as you let them have.
No one else can live your life for you. You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul.
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts.