True but sometimes the doubts and confusion can feel like something overwhelming and it's natural to find answers... But yeah sometimes you don't get any.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@SW-User It’s truly natural to want answers and to understand… (signs of a healthy mind) but there comes a time when we have to just drop it regardless and there does come that time. We recognize it in our spirit. It says something like enough is enough in any situation.

@NoGamesTolerated yes definitely. Otherwise we get stuck.

timely reminder, thanks
antonioioio · 70-79, M
The least said the easiest mended ❤️
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antonioioio · 70-79, M
@NoGamesTolerated a lot more than that
In anger, you will say things you don't mean and once said, you can't take it back,
In anger, you will say things you don't mean and once said, you can't take it back,
NoGamesTolerated · F
@antonioioio also true but still a fact the mouth speaks the abundance of the heart! 🙂

@antonioioio Exactly!
Lostpoet · M
I've tried, im done trying.

@Lostpoet same
caccoon · 36-40
It's really freeing to let go of the things we cannot change 💙

@caccoon It's not a choice it's out of self preservation
Ferric67 · M
That's always a point that I share, it's better to be understanding than understood

I think these answers come to us anyway if we're willing to look. But they come to us from our own self awareness and introspection.
Other people cannot give us closure, that closure will never feel complete.
So yes, let the people and the situations go. Learn what it says about you.
Other people cannot give us closure, that closure will never feel complete.
So yes, let the people and the situations go. Learn what it says about you.
NoGamesTolerated · F
Totally agree
Purplehaze78 · 46-50, F
I agree, but if you're an over thinker this will be very difficult.