What my worst break up taught me
It might sound kind of sad but it took me almost marrying the wrong person to have better standards for myself. Before if I found someone cute and they found me cute; I would just jump into a relationship with them with hardly a second thought and excuse a lot of the red flags.
Now I don’t date anyone until I really get to know them as a person. Yes it’s fun to feel butterflies in the beginning and jump into something but those butterflies don’t last forever. Infatuation isn’t love.
I take my time with people now and think about compatibility over how strong my feelings are for them. I think about finances, how well we communicate, do we actually have the same priorities, etc. Most importantly of all I don’t fear being single anymore. Because I know now that it is so much worse being trapped with the wrong person then it is being lonely. You don’t know what real loneliness is until you’re trapped in a house with the wrong partner practically begging to get away from them.
I wish I had learned this all at a younger age but at least I’ve learned something from what I’ve gone through.
Now I don’t date anyone until I really get to know them as a person. Yes it’s fun to feel butterflies in the beginning and jump into something but those butterflies don’t last forever. Infatuation isn’t love.
I take my time with people now and think about compatibility over how strong my feelings are for them. I think about finances, how well we communicate, do we actually have the same priorities, etc. Most importantly of all I don’t fear being single anymore. Because I know now that it is so much worse being trapped with the wrong person then it is being lonely. You don’t know what real loneliness is until you’re trapped in a house with the wrong partner practically begging to get away from them.
I wish I had learned this all at a younger age but at least I’ve learned something from what I’ve gone through.