I hate how sometimes people have a way of giving you a role and then when you grow out of it they pretend it still fits.
I'm not the kid from the wrong side of the road anymore.
I'm not the biggest misfit in class.
I have a Lover, for real.
Strange how she's real, she just doesn't use this god-damn platform for the record.
Making progress too. Got a drive test scheduled again.
OH that song? Thats one of the BRIGHTEST and most BEAUTIFUL Hidden gems I EVER STUMBLED UPON. It really deserves some kind of CROWN.
I continually amaze myself , how every time I think I can't, I try and almost always end up blowing through.
Oh and I don't play their games of Hierarchy and Status Battles over who's Alpha, and yet still somehow I always come out on top.
you know I think the whole Alpha male vs Sigma story is bullshit right? but I want to be sigmaish...
more so.
I'm not the kid from the wrong side of the road anymore.
I'm not the biggest misfit in class.
I have a Lover, for real.
Strange how she's real, she just doesn't use this god-damn platform for the record.
Making progress too. Got a drive test scheduled again.
OH that song? Thats one of the BRIGHTEST and most BEAUTIFUL Hidden gems I EVER STUMBLED UPON. It really deserves some kind of CROWN.
I continually amaze myself , how every time I think I can't, I try and almost always end up blowing through.
Oh and I don't play their games of Hierarchy and Status Battles over who's Alpha, and yet still somehow I always come out on top.
you know I think the whole Alpha male vs Sigma story is bullshit right? but I want to be sigmaish...
more so.