Yes. 😄
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Pinkrainbowkisses: 😆
@Degbeme: Now you know where I'm at when I'm replying to you. 😳
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Pinkrainbowkisses: 😱

No dear ! I play royal ping pong

Greetings, from the throne.

Ugh! No
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
I barely keep my phone on me, but sometimes when I am taking a bath or a shower I do bring my laptop into the bathroom with me. Put on a movie or play some music.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
well i have my phone, just in case. but i read my books on my kindle when i got to do the duty.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
So people just sit there doing nothing? I'm reading the news or texting my friends
Youni19 · 26-30, F
No, I don't like taking devices with me to the bathroom. I use that time to just think and stare at the floor
Danez · M
They're more convenient than a book and fit in your pocket

I typically use my tablet rather than my phone.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
That's when I need it most
That's when I need it most
Untepa · 31-35, F
Right 😂
xRedx · M
No, I'd rather read the newspaper haha
I play with myself while using the phone.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
ewwww ... No!

Sometimes I'm on here
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ConfusedMonkey · 41-45, M
No I learned my lesson after I dropped it down the toilet before

No. I like to get shit over with and done when I'm in there--my phone is too much of a distraction. Lmao.

no, I think about life when in there
maybe it's the shit reminding me shit
maybe it's the shit reminding me shit