the only thing stopping cats from ruling the world are doors
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
They need freedom to roam around.

@NeuroticByNature yes they don't want limits in their territory

Maybe they don't like feeling trapped.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My cat and I would play a slow game of chase where I would walk around and close all the doors and she would follow behind me and open them. I didn't know other cars did that. She couldn't tolerate a closed door!
Tminus6453 · M
They a bit OCD, they need to see whats in there if they've already been in there before

Curiosity, what's on the other side

Why do cats anything? I can't figure them shady.
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
Aresdotexe · 26-30, M
Because they're nosy assholes.