All of the above, except radio. My Dad had rigged a radio up to a car battery so we did have radio. No indoor plumbing, electricity until I was 6 when Mom and my brother and I moved into town so she could teach as part of the war effort. No telephone or TV until I was 14, 15.
What was it like? Thought little about it. It was the way all the neighboring ranchers lived as well. In retrospect, I miss the solitude. The lack of background noise and other intrusions, other that the bleating of cattle, the calls of wildlife. That and some funny stories, like Pop going into the front room every Christmas to light the fire and warm things up before the rest of us went in to open presents and always building too big a fire so the candles on the tree drooped and couldn't be lit. Later I put two and two together as that was when Santa came.