[@hipflwthat] 🤔for us it is rather the opposite we buy sweets for halloween do not bother with them . we then on the day get no callers and are left with them lol
@Blondily You must have the metabolism for it. This is my time of year I need to deny myself to keep from going round haha. Halloween ... Thanksgiving ... the Xmas season ... New Year ... I'd love tpo go at this time of year one more time with my 19 yo body 😏
I have eaten it afterwards in the past because we haven't got anybody but here we get tons of kids. We usually run out before the end of the trick or treat period.
I ate all mine after the holiday last year because there were no kids here .. but we have more houses and kids this year on our street so.. i have two unopened bags of candy.. just in case
@jshm2 Certainly doesn't help any. There's a local dentist does a fairly generous cash buy-back of kids' candy. I wonder if he finds any takers. Or what he does with the candy he buys from kids.
@Musicman That is a sad. We are in a small community where our kids could go on their own by 10 or 12 years old. But there just are not as many kids today - tho the population here has quadrupled.