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I'm hoping to visit cuba and Vietnam someday

MightyLion · 18-21, M
I'm not sure why it's not letting me reply to your comments so I'll type it in a separate comment. Cuba was a first-world nation before Fidel. And it wasn't your stereotypical poor broke Caribbean nation being exploited by Americans as you say. The fact that it had the 8th highest wage in the world completely annihilates this idea. If Cubans really wanted Fidel then he would have just outright said he was communist. The whole reason he hid the fact that he was a communist is that he knew he would never be liked. The only way he'd be liked is by saying he would give the freedom of free elections that communism would never give.

According to you "Cuba is the most developed 3rd world country" so if you believe this than you'd know willingly or unwillingly that it would have been much better back when it was the most advanced spanish-speaking first-world country.

And common sense would tell you that after losing countless businesses and billions of dollars via confiscation and stealing that the U.S. government is going to refuse to do any business with Cuba until it changes and will thankfully continue its embargo.

And Cuba was a small country with a GDP twice that of Spain and a peso that at times surpassed the U.S. Dollar by one cent. So what is your point? None of the facts I've posted happen in a country like what you are describing. A poor unadvanced country doesn't have the 8th highest wage in the world, a city with more movie theatres than New York and Paris, a cow per inhabitant and so on.

Havana was one of the capitals of the world up there with cities like London and Paris and New York. Americans literally called it the Paris of the Americas.

Also homelessness does happen in Cuba I've seen it on my visits. When I lived there my family had to sell the house we lived in because the roof was going to fall in and there is almost no money to feed yourself in Cuba and even less for doing such repairs. The VAST majority of all structures in Cuba have received 0 repairs since Fidel and many are crumbling down and falling on people. Also, MANY houses don't have air conditioning and don't properly protect people from the elements such as rain and heat. Many have leaks and cracks and mosquitos get in very easily which there are A LOT of. Many people who are given houses by the government or who lose their homes due to lack of repairs end up living in little shed homes made from trash nailed together. So considering all that MANY homes in Cuba provide just about as much comfort as sleeping under a bridge like a homeless person.

And yes Cuba was very wealthy. That's why Fidel Castro had a net worth of $900 million dollars all while running this small island nation. An amount of money not even Queen Elizabeth had with her only $426 million net worth while being Queen of far larger land masses and for an even longer period of time than Fidel was in power.

Also if Fidel is so loving and kind and about equality and peace and love why didn't he dedicate at least $400 million of his net worth to fixing up Cuba. If Cuba is so perfect he doesn't even need not one million in his bank account. Why should he? Doesn't everyone get free healthcare, food, and housing in Cuba? Why does he have that much money? Why is the ruler of a small poor island nation with a small economy like you say having more money than Queen Elizabeth a queen of imperialism as I believe the left would say.

The facts speak for themselves. All the achievements Cuba had in the 1950s are things that don't happen in poor unadvanced prostitute illiterate countries like what you are describing Cuba to have been. And I hope the reason I can't reply to your comments isn't because you are silencing opposition to your viewpoint. Also, this is my last response on this topic because there's really not much to say since the facts and statistics of capitalist Cuba outright prove it was once advanced and doing very well unlike now.


But anyways would you ever choose to live in any of the communist countries that there are in the world? Why or Why not?
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@MightyLion I live in the UK that created the NHS and has fought for socialism since the days of the chartist movement and thanks to socialist trade unions enjoy rights that workers take for granted
MightyLion · 18-21, M
@Guitarman123 Interesting, so Fidel lied about it being communist as well? And what freedom have I given up? And it's cool that you live in the United Kingdom. So the UK is socialist you say?
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@MightyLion he said that he was fighting for a communist society but made no claim that cuba was a communist country. You, me and millions of regular people are puppets being controlled by unseen forces and our material surroundings help condition who we are and how we socialise with people. In the industrial revolution the proletariat would work up to 16 hours with little rest and pay in horrendous conditions whilst living in unhealthy homes. Socialists such as keir hardie and clement atlee helped fight for 8 hour working day, reasonable working wages and reasonably healthy working conditions. Because of the current system and rise in inflations its becoming less worth the time for the working class to work full time. I never said the uk is socialist, I said socialism has helped improve the rights and well-being of workers as I can assure you that bosses haven't done it out of the goodness of their hearts as its not profitable to help those in less fortunate situations
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Cuba is beautiful.
I think the beaches are some of the best in the world.
The people are humble and proud.

Its a shame how politics has crippled that country.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@MightyLion the truth is majority of cuba supported castro as they saw it as a far better alternative than batistas ruling. Castro never truly considered himself a communist and only claimed to be one because of the ussr helping cubas economy from sinking under americas pressure. Its funny that people call castro and che racist when they offered far more help to black people than America was doing as they were too busy demonising the black panthers, martin Luther King and especially malcolm x who all had the brains to stand up to racism in America and the articulation to encourage black Americans to be proud of their heritage and fight the system. The IRA was a result of british colonialism
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@MightyLion cuba is a small country with a small economy which America was abusing for its sugar as well as placing military bases. Without that embargo it would stand a much better chance of standing on its own two feet as they would be able to do businesses with other countries which because of that embargo they are unable to do so because otherwise the other countries wouldn't be able to do business with America
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Guitarman123 torturing and murdering innocent citizens because you suspect them of being supporters of castro is worse than not perfect but flat out evil and based on severe paranoia. The fact that your ignoring that part of Cuban history shows me that you have historical amnesia because it would reflect on America in an incredibly bad way as it should do as destroying a 3rd world countries economy because it wants liberation from American imperialism and to establish a socialist society which america sees as scary simply because it puts people above profits which America hates as it prefers wasting 800 billion dollars on its military and advocating private property over helping homeless people and those living in poverty
akindheart · 61-69, F
I never wanted to visit cuba. My coworker did and didnt like it
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@akindheart Depends who you listen to
akindheart · 61-69, F
@LunarOrbit my friends. I saw pics. Not interested
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I sincerely hope you do.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@SumKindaMunster both look beautiful
Funlov · M
I’m heading to Cuba next week I go there every year way better than Mexico
DDonde · 31-35, M
My younger brother visited Vietnam, said he really enjoyed it.

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