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Happy be assholes to indigenous people day

Seems no one can wish us Native Americans a happy Indigenous Peoples day without someone else who clearly has a problem with people not calling it Columbus Day, or just Native Americans in general, chiming in to “correct” them by saying it’s Columbus Day. That or just commenting with racist memes. I’m glad you’re all having fun today at least.
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@TexChik You actually believe that, don’t you? Your issues are clearly rooted far deeper than mere hate.
TexChik · F
@PerchingDove only in your liberal mind , makes it easier than having to explain why you condone Warren’s lies, doesn't it? Always deflect when you get exposed ? 😂
TexChik · F
@PerchingDove hate of lying liberals in office? Absolutely .
chrisCA · M
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@chrisCA just like Israel
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@FullMetalFatPig Umpqua and Rogue River
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Let's get straight to the point here. The best way to deal with this is to abolish such holidays celebrating sub-groups of humanity. Why? Because none of them are without fault in their history.

Columbus certainly had his issues in treatment of indigenous people. TBH .. the various tribes of indigenous people often treated each other the same way. They warred with each other over territories, hunting grounds and other resources. They killed, took captives that were sometimes treated as slaves, etc. Why celebrate that anymore than Columbus??

Do away with it all and end the squabbling.
@Stillwaiting Lmao! Your problem is you just have to make everything a political argument. You just admitted your main drive is that you’re tired of all the “woke bullshit” That just shows that the point of indigenous peoples day just goes right over your head. Quit making everything a political argument for one minute and take a moment to realize there’s a whole world outside of your echo chamber.
@PerchingDove The point I'm making is most of these holidays days have never really had a point. They are all contrived for a political or social agenda of some kind.

I don't mind the name changing .. but what will that really accomplish? Does it do anything to change the situation on the reservations out west?
@Stillwaiting No, it won’t. But pointless as it may be, it’s still better than celebrating someone who shouldn’t be. Make of that whatever you will.
Aysel · F
Happy Indigenous People’s Day! 🖤
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I just wonder why it is not just called Native American Day.

Seems a more common term than Indigenous Peoples.

But maybe there is some nuance I am missing, or maybe some people find the term Native American offensive. Or maybe the day is supposed to have a global meaning.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Oh, I did not know that.
chrisCA · M
@JoyfulSilence In Canada, they are referred to as Indigenous People, First Nations, or Natives.
@chrisCA I say indigenous Canadians and even indigenous Mexicans can still call themselves Native Americans. It’s not inaccurate since they’re indigenous to North America.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
th3r0n · 41-45, M
I don't know why we should celebrate a murderer that came to take advantage of people and steal their land. I have heard very bad things about him.

I don't celebrate holidays anyway, neither yours nor theirs, and find holidays that are not written in the Bible to be fake holidays, but I suppose if I had a choice between celebrating the very capable people that were here before and stolen from or the evil man that began the theft, I suppose I would choose the people
acpguy · C
Native Americans / Indigenous Peoples are noting more than immigrants from Siberia primarily other wise if they came up from South America their blood tests show that they immigrated from Polynesia and possibly form Japan or China. So called Native Americans are no more native to North America than the Pilgrims, Spanish, English, Norsemen, Italians and many other denominations that came form other countries. Native americans are nothing more than a drain on tax paying americans and those that work for a living.
@acpguy Well if it isn’t the racist back again with his nonsense logic. Nice to see you’ve unblocked me (not really), but get ready to block me again after I display this precious gem the last time you came at me with your racist BS:
Let me guess: I’m just taking you out of context trying to make you look bad? Nope, you actually said that. You’re a racist piece of trash, in case there was any doubt after what you just said here.

I’ll even provide the link:

Go ahead and delete your replies to try and cover your tracks. Won’t do you any good though. I’m keeping the screen caps of what you said there and here. 😉
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Gee, I wonder who downvoted me? 🤭
chrisCA · M
@PerchingDove Probably one of the racist trolls on this site.
@chrisCA I have a good idea who in particular. 😉
Straylight · 31-35, F
Anyone who would celebrate Columbus either doesn’t know much about him or is also a monster.
[image/video deleted]
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I wish you a happy indigenous day 💚
Please take no notice of the idiots.
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@ServantOfTheGoddess That last part wasn’t necessary, but thanks anyway.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@PerchingDove Thank you for considering it not necessary. Canada has been going through a huge reckoning around these issues for the past decade and many of us are feeling a share of personal responsibility for the oppressive systems we are embedded in.

I do hope this will be a happy day for you.
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
Happy Indigenous People’s Day!!
Don’t let the loud mouth idiots ruin your day. They’re not worth it🤗

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