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c'mon boys....one more road win tonight

....and then finish them off at home 🙏
Lilymoon · F
Wonder who they'll face next if they win I haven't been keeping up ha
@Lilymoon probably dallas as they are up 3-1
Lilymoon · F
come2gether · 51-55, M
My friend, I really enjoy your posts. We are close in age, so we're contemporaries. And yet, I envy you at times for how simple life is for you. Simple is not the best word at all, I'm not implying you are simple. Just enjoying the things in life that don't have to be huge things. Good. for. you.
@come2gether aw thanks my friend...i try to think positively and have a good time on here with the rest of the sw gang
come2gether · 51-55, M
@beermeplease I apparently have been a fisher of the biggest fish in life. (and I despise going angling). It's all been metaphorical for me, so it seems now. You've enjoyed life. I've chased metaphors.
Hatt94 · 56-60, M

Lets go Oilers
@Hatt94 cant see pic...damn sw....s/b a good one...good luck to you guys
Hatt94 · 56-60, M
@beermeplease great game
@Hatt94 it was...gonna go to 7 like i thought it might
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