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How much do you think similar worlds earns a month

Or how many users does it have . Just curious
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
You can find lots of interesting data here:

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@DrWatson the earlier post has the active users.

I replied with the link in my comment here.
Millions if not billions
people who maintain this site have to work nights as loaders and floor washers

kindness of their souls knows no bounds
Ingwe · F
How much is similarworlds.com worth?

Estimated worth of this website:


Estimated revenue per day:


Estimated revenue per month:


Estimated revenue per year:

@Ingwe that’s so low
Ingwe · F
@mysteryespresso I was shocked!

I feel like buying coins and is the special member thing still on?

I want to send them a care package
Probably not enough
Ingwe · F
not a lot
I don't really think about it but if they do earn money then good on them.. i guess .. they worked hard for this site.. personally id abolish 70+ percent of the content/users but i guess thats what's fun here 😤😒 i used to play video games 😅
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Active users in June of 2022 was 7819

Please see the pinned admins comments, since they include updates from the original post.


Other statistics found here:

redredred · M
I think they just do it for the nudes
originnone · 61-69, M
interesting question....lots of data below but no answers.
A worldwide site with a few cheeky questions on it. What's the rest of the site used for?
Great question!
Iwantout · 26-30, M
AnommonA86 · 36-40, F
38000 sw coins

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