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Do you feel like actually talking to people hwre?

I try but i actually.ezpect.none
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Sometimes. I'm trying right now with one user...

But we're not getting very far. Don't really know why I bother
Doometernal · 26-30, M
@caPnAhab if you're trying romantic route then don't

Honestly i want you also to try cause i met my girlfriend on this site

I mean the only successful relationship from 3 years on sw

But still, i don't know enough to offer any sort of advice. And I'm not sure my advice and what worked for me will work with you
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Not like a direct conversation, but answering posts, and then I just go to the next one.
Doometernal · 26-30, M
@Bri89 kinda my life now.. I'd i get mad i msg people
Bruja · F
There’s a few people I like talking to in the comments.
Doometernal · 26-30, M
@Bruja comments boring the feed. Dont pm me ever pls
Doometernal · 26-30, M
@highkeydykey how can I pm you? What's the logic?
@Doometernal im not telling you specifically. i mean it generally.

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