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The resources i currently as of midnight August 29 have

Behold, ye kind sirs, thou homespun ladies, i give thee a list of my current resources in this venture of mine, perhaps i shall make an accompanying YT Playlist which will shew forth how and what i use to supplement these readings, plus i am finding the LDS website to be of use also.

I must highlight the resource #21 below as being perhaps the best Evangelical work on this subject, unlike something else which i may get in the future entitled The New God Makers or something like that, with one name attributed to it being Dave Hunt. I think i already know what that volume is like, there is a supposed banned cartoon of the LDS which i believe is fraudulent but interesting regardless. The Christian community when approaching Mormonism is often shameful for mainstream Christians, vol. #21 below appears to be a step in the right direction.

My aim is to acquire for my Kindle Scribe EVERYTHING i can on this topic, i shall search high and wide, the first place of course is Amazon to acquire them legally, there i shall work on collecting The Joseph Smith Papers, some 30 volumes mostly priced at 50 dollars each, and the collected works of one Hugh Nibley, similarly priced. Then my dears i shall be searching for specific volumes cited in the readings in google searches with epub at the end of the title and or author, and see where that takes me. A few months ago i did that with The Plymouth Brethren, and i surely do have a dandy collection of those fellas!!

So here is my modest Beginner's List, i'm happy with it for now.

1. The Book of Mormon
2. Doctrine and Covenants
3. The Pearl of Great Price

4. History of the Church of Latter-day Saints -- Joseph Smith (7 volumes)

5. History of Joseph Smith by His Mother -- Lucy Mack Smith

6. The Complete Journal of Discourses (26 volumes)

7. The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young (5 volumes)

8. Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt

9. The Works of James E. Talmage

10. The Works of John A. Widstoe

11. A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Century One -- B.H. Roberts (6 volumes)

12. Nibley's Commentary on The Book of Mormon (2 volumes) -- this is Hugh Nibley here, a prominent LDS theologian.

13. Saints -- a 3 volume History i think it's a LDS publication, and might be seeing a 4th volume soon.

14. Dan Vogel's Joseph Smith biography in 2 volumes

15. Early Mormon Pamphleteering -- David J. Whittaker

16. Wife No. 19 -- Ann Eliza Young

17. Early Mormonism and the Magic World View -- D. Michael Quinn -- this is referenced quite a bit by Vogel.

18. Volumes 1, 51 and 52 of Interpreter, they're real cheap and this is how i found out how much money i had left.

19. American Massacre -- Sally Denton

20. Devil's Gate -- David Roberts

21. The New Mormon Challenge -- this is a team of evangelicals treating the LDS community with a modicum of respect, so i think for mainstream Christians effected by Mormonism and Mormons wanting a smart evangelical approach to their beliefs should check it out!!

22. How the Book of Mormon Came to Pass -- Lars Nielsen

23. An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case Against Mormonism -- Kay Burningham

The Kindle Unlimited volumes i have so far

24. Joe Tango's screed on The Book of Mormon -- i don't think it'll be nearly as good as number 21 above, but it's gotta have something worthwhile in it somewhere.

25. Breaking Free -- Rachel Jeffs -- that last name should give you an idea what this is.

26. Thirteen Reasons -- Donny Harris, these are reasons not to be a Mormon according to Herr Donny.

27. Confessions of an Ex-Mormon -- Tracy Tennant

Thanks for reading, i shall stop posting for awhile now. Enjoy the rest of August, and have a super dooper September, i know i will!!
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Are you aiming to be the local expert on Mormonism consulted by news outlets when any significant Mormon related event occurs?
@Longpatrol DINGDINGDING!! 🔔🔔🔔
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@SW-User The ONLY source that I trust haha
The problem with Mormons is that they do not know the Christ of the Bible.
@BritishFailedAesthetic Yep, another one they describe :)
@BritishFailedAesthetic Plus i heard from a guy in a video, yet to be verified in my readings that they believe Jesus and Lucifer are brothers!! Now that's a red flag if ever there was one!!

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