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Yet more Warhammer stuff

After a lot of work, I think I've found a dreadnought list which should work. Like my tank list, it's 2500 points,and consists of the following:
- Venerable Contemptor, kheres assault cannon, iliastus assault cannon
- 2x Contemptor, kheres assault cannon, iliastus assault cannon
- 2x Contemptor, Gravis lascannon
- 2x Deredeo, arachnus lascannon array, heavy bolters, aiolos missile launcher
- 2x Leviathan, storm cannon arrays, twin volkite calivers, phosphex discharger
- Leviathan, siege drills, twin volkite calivers, phosphex discharger

It totals to 2490 points, which means I can get a havoc launcher on the Venerable Contemptor if desired, but I'm not sure there isn't anything else that would work.

I know nobody cares about this stuff, but I'm excited regardless.
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MethDozer · M
I never played much 40k but I love the lore and books.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@MethDozer That's understandable. The lore is pretty damn good.
MethDozer · M
@KiwiDan Yeah and I like how a lot of it t is kinda treated as hearsay and assumtpion instead of underdtood and known documented facts. The whole fascist empire grown outnof a rejection of religion that devolves into a cult of a religious natuee is pretty kick ass too. Also how the whole Imperium is a total rejection of both science and religion both and the Mechanicum is on this quest to relearn technology but views any new technology amd experimentation to discover it as complete heresy.

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