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Maybe dabble in a bit of marine biology... you know, save some turtles etc
Bushranger · 70-79, M
I'm trying to learn programming. Fortunately it doesn't take lot of money.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Bushranger At least your having a go.🙂 Not something I could ever get my head around😞
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Gusman It's pretty much just logic at the level I'm doing it. Gets a lot more difficult when you start getting into the computer science side.
muffinman · 61-69, M
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cultofaction · 26-30, M
I might hit the slopes every day. Man, that shit is expensive.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I like that idea, although I prefer to remain here in the states.
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
Definitely travel more...need someone to travel with!!😉 Lol
JimboUk · 31-35, M
Egyptian mythology, I am stubborn so it's gonna happen.