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Mums had her op....

I posted a few days ago that my MIL had been admitted to hospital following a podiatry appointment.
After seeing consultants, mum was given 2 options. One was basically stay as you are and get progressivly worse until you die a dreadfully painful death ( in a relatively short time) or have the foot amputated and although its not going to be easy to adjust and a long recovery period, and hopefully the rest of yr day will be relatively painfree. Not much of a choice.
We were certain shed choose not to have surgery so were very surprised when arriving at the hospital yesterday lunchtime to find her in pretty good spirits telling us shes talked with the doc and she was having surgery tomorrow!! (today)
Hubs and his sister stayed with her this morning and came home when she went into surgery. We've just had a call to say shes had her op and is heading back to the ward.
They are heading back up there now.
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peripheral neuropathy is usually a warning sign. Perhaps she had that. Death from a gangrenous limb is not a good plan. She made the right choice. Amputations these days are rather sophisticated. Does she have good surgeons?
Best wishes for the recovery. Try to encourage her to Stay Cheerful.
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@rubysue] 🤗hope all has gone well with mums operation and she is up and and about soon
SteveTomms · 56-60, M
All the very best Ruby!! Love and best wishes to you all! x
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I hope so!! NHS ...not like theres a choice!!
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Oh my! So sorry.

I have diabetes and numb toes and am always worried I might lose some before I die.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
hope everythings ok
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
there's nothing wrong with the NHS, don't knock it, it does considerably well under the pressures it's under.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@darkmere1983 i didn't knock it. Although lets be honest, as marvellous as it is, there is lots wrong with it!
That being said, if her follow up sessions had been in person rather than 2 years of phone conversations asking her how she was getting on it might not have got to this point before they acted on it. Im sure loosing a foot at 80 would have been easier to deal with than loosing her whole leg at 83 with dementia. 😕

But.. we are where we are and the hospital have been amazing with mum so far.
FourthShadow · 31-35, M
Good luck to your mum, I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
Wishing you all well. Take care.🙏
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Wishing her all the best. I will pray for a full and speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏
candycane · 36-40, F
I wish her well🙏

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