I used to. It was punishing myself and/or distracting emotional pain with physical pain. You get addicted, too. It releases endorphins
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@MegaManX97: one way my dad abused my siblings and I was gaslighting. He said the divorce was my fault and other stuff like that.
MegaManX97 · 26-30, M
@Feature: My mother always gaslit me too. To this day she still does it.

@MegaManX97: hopefully you can never see her again soon
MommaBear · 22-25, F
its easier to deal with physical pain rather than emotional pain
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
For me, the physical pain made me feel human again. I used to feel so numb. Like, when your leg falls asleep and you can feel the pressure of your hand on your skin... but you don't really feel it. That's how my emotions were, that's what my whole life was. I felt dead, inhuman, and isolated, and like I was screaming with no voice. The sharp physical pain of cutting sort of stopped stopped that for a bit and I felt a little better in a way for a short time.
It was also a form of punishment. A manifestation of my intense self loathing.
It was a coping method.
It was also a form of punishment. A manifestation of my intense self loathing.
It was a coping method.
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
It does cause more pain, but in my opinion physical pain and emotional pain can't really be compared. They're too different. Though, one can lead to another.
PhantomNine · 31-35, F
It brings a physical feeling to my mental pain. I can feel a cut stop hurting. I can see a cut heal.

I've heard it feels like a release.
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
Yes, it can feel cathartic.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I don't think it's something I will ever understand despite how much I've read about it. It was a very uncommon phenomenon in the air I grew up with, but cutting seems to be all the rage these days.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I used it for attention and punishment

Yeah, I don't know either. Doing so has never crossed my mind.
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
As a distraction from emotional pain or self punishment too.
MegaManX97 · 26-30, M
But why self-punishment? Is it low self-esteem? Beating yourself up? Feelings of worthlessness?
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
This post should come with a trigger warning for people who do self harm
MegaManX97 · 26-30, M
It's not to offend anyone; I just want to know and get a better understanding of why it happens.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
@MegaManX97: i get that. An ex of mine cut herself. These descriptions could trigger her. That's all I'm saying
shadowplay · 26-30, M
if i bleed ,i must be real .
melovemycats · 26-30, F
I only cut myself once, and I agree, it just causes pain. At the time I did it because I thought I deserved it. There's really no rational reason why a person should cut themselves, but you're not really thinking rationally when you're that depressed.