loringthegreat · 31-35, F
That has to do with the way you sleep. If you sleep with your head up and you breathe through your mouth you will dry out the saliva on your trachea, which will make your throat feel sore. When you move you realign you saliva glads, or wake them up, whatever the case may be, to recoat it.

Good comment!
Master1A · 70-79, M
Heavy mouth breathing dries out your throat while you are sleeping. Try a humidifier in your room when you go to sleep.
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
Before I fall asleep, I feel like I'm mainly breathing through my nose, but I suppose it's possible I'm breathing through my mouth when once I fall asleep
Master1A · 70-79, M
That is usually what happens. your nose starts to dry out and then your mouth takes over.. Been dealing with this issue for a long time. put a humidifier in My bedroom and turn it on high before bed time, then down to low when I go to sleep so it is not so loud. Made thing much better. where I live humidity is very low in the winter so even worse. Good luck.
Angelly · F
Do you have seasonal allergies? That can cause you to sleep with your mouth open leading to a dry/sore throat
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
I've never suffered from allergies, but I guess it's possible I sleep with my mouth open.
lakergoy · 36-40, M
Probably from snoring

could be the air is too dry while you're sleeping. is it winter where you are? or is your winter quite cold?
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
Winter is only moderately cold here, nothing too extreme. And I guess it is kinda dry here

it can have a bit of effect.

Goralski · 56-60, M
Its d spiders that crawl in yo youth as you sleep
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Bacteria in a dry throats will do that. When your body kills them you're no longer in a shit storm of pain
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
either you're sick or dehydrated
bettylesswear · F
She just said she didn't have anything to drink yet. Read the whole thing before you comment 🙄
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@bettylesswear: I did?
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
@bettylesswear: Well, I had some water once I woke up. I just didn't mention that. But I try to stay hydrated. Most days, water is the only beverage I drink. And I eat whole fruit and vegetables, which have plenty of water in them as well.