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Healing with non touching hands

Just now watched the French film, Antoinette in the Cevennes and near the end of the film Antoinette sprains her ankle. A woman came along on horseback and got down and placed her hands either side of the ankle, without touching, and slowly moved her hands a little way up and down the ankle. This healed the ankle and Antoinette was able to walk the next morning pain free.

This reminded me of an incident about 15 years ago when I was helping a friend build an extension onto his home.
I hit my thumb rather hard with a hammer and was in a fair amount of pain. My friend was married to a Chinese lady and he took me to his wife and she placed her hands over my hand, without touching, and I could feel the heat of the pain being drawn out.
After about 1 minute I was pain free and was able to go back to work unhindered.
Can someone tell me was this "Gift" is ?
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being · 36-40, F
Sounds like reiki.. are you accustomed with the idea of chi or prana maybe, you've heard before? Or, our life-force energy. Some individuals can concentrate that energy especially through their hands and direct it. Not necessarily through their will. Some use their intention, some let the 'universe' or 'god' distribute the energy as it wishes, without much interference.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@being I have heard of Reiki and Chi.
What happened to me was rather amazing and those who have this ability are truly blessed.
Do they have to develop this "Force" or is it natural for some people?
being · 36-40, F
@Gusman i think it's similar to everything else... gift is a percentage while the rest develop it. An open mind, the will to learn, curiosity and compassion are keys ❤️
You can give this a try
Gusman · 61-69, M
@being Thank you. I will try this when I am in a frame of mind to try.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Elafina is right. It does sound like reiki. Although there are a couple of other energy healing modalities it could be or it could be a combination of a couple of them. Reiki is one of the more well known. I learned years ago how to do Reiki and it truly is a wonderful gift

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