DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Not sure what "pure" OCD is but I do have OCD. I was diagnosed in 2014.
I am meticulously clean and tidy, and I can have an anxiety attack if I am in a cluttered chaotic environment for too long.
I am meticulously clean and tidy, and I can have an anxiety attack if I am in a cluttered chaotic environment for too long.
ai12ci45lef000 · 31-35, F
@DearAmbellina2113 It's basically OCD , but instead of doing visible compulsions once you get intrusive thoughts you do mental ones , such as reasurance rituals. It isn't a distictive type mostly it was given this name for helping those who have it understand what it is . For instance think of harm OCD ,whee you have unwanted intrusive thoughts about harming people or your loved ones , the only visible compulsion might be hidding the knives in your house , everything else that goes on is mental .Before I was told by a psyciatrist that what I am experiencing , which I guess is a variation of harm OCD, is OCD I would have never have guessed it . Because I always had OCD in my mind as something that you described or as being overly microbofobic. It just goes to show how diverse mental illneses are .