LadyGrace · 70-79
Well this has always worked for me. Take a combination capsule of calcium/magnesium - 3 capsules five minutes before you go to bed with warm milk. 😴
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I'm a mild insomniac. For me lifestyle is critical.
No caffeine after 2pm except on special occasions. Having a ritual of bedtime is also important. It signals to your whole being, "time to sleep." I take melatonin and listen to soothing music. Same bedtime or similar every night. Exercise during the day vigorously.
No caffeine after 2pm except on special occasions. Having a ritual of bedtime is also important. It signals to your whole being, "time to sleep." I take melatonin and listen to soothing music. Same bedtime or similar every night. Exercise during the day vigorously.
dragonfly46 · F
One thing that helps me is writing down what I worry over. I tend to over think, writing it out seems to quiet my mind. I do this an hour before bed.
revenant · F
@dragonfly46 i will try that
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Google "melatonin"...they'll do a better job of explaining it than I will but in a nutshell, it's a natural hormone that helps regulate your sleeping patterns.

Nope. I have tried everything. Neuro says "some people just don't sleep".
Good luck.
Good luck.
Peapod · 61-69, F
Benadryl is actually a good and safe thing to use.
Moonpenny · F
Use something herbal first, just to see if breaks your sleep pattern (or lack thereof, lol) It usually does for me.
Having a routine before bed sometimes works but not always. Good luck
Sleeping the same time every night, make sure your not hungry because hunger will wake u up
PrivateHell · M
I find trying to stay awake usually does it for me.
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revenant · F
glycine has helped me a bit. apparently it either makes people super wired or relaxed, a bit like benadryl
it is a supplement
it is a supplement
ticklerguy · M
Camomile Tea Works For Me
leowander · M
I listen to this every evening. It will program your subconscious mind to sleep.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F