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nightowl746-50, M
I'm sure you have found "facts" to substantiate your claims here. First, understand NOTHING is EVER free. We ALL pay for it, one way or another...My answer is a simple one. Almost all modern, civilized, nations have some form of "socialism" within their governmental structure. Most all have government health insurance, and it works great! That is the ONLY way we can provide for our large populations. I don't understand why this is so hard for anyone to understand. You must also understand that We also ALL PAY for it when we DON'T have socialized programs. That's why insurance premiums are through the roof...and they pay out less now. Somebody has to pay for uninsured hospital expenses, and they pass it on to the rest of us. Just as ANY other FOR PROFIT business. The price of everything...goes up!

Bottom line, we all have to pay more. I don't mind paying more when I see people benefitting. It's like a donation where we all benefit in some way. What I mind, are politicians telling people we CAN'T do this, when the rest of the world is making it work.
Kowlick41-45, M
@4meAndyou Ah you're missing recessive taxes federal, state, local increases in local economy, help with inflation, more services rendered, more good sold, etc etc. It's a vastly complicated issue what immigration levels are needed to sustain economic growth.
@Kowlick It's extremely basic. If an illegal immigrant does not earn more than minimum wage, as I outlined below, his or her earnings are insufficient to pay for "free" or government supplemented services. Like Walmart employees, most of them, additionally, will draw upon other services such as food stamps, and fuel assistance.

Discretionary spending for a man or woman who earns only $12,000 in taxable income goes to paying rent. Unless they live in California, in which case no one earning minimum wage can afford rent which starts at $1800 a month and goes up. Average rent in California is just $3000 short of the entire gross income.

The only one getting rich would be the landlord, who would have to rent out a one bedroom to three families so they could afford the rent. They are NOT goosing the local economy, they are draining public services dry, instead.

I will make a bargain with you. If such legislation ever comes to pass, let us wait for two years to see the impact. I predict that within two years, just like Obamacare, health care for all will fold, because it is so poorly thought out.
Kowlick41-45, M
@4meAndyou Well lets hope ACA doesnt fail I'll probably die lol. Well I'll root not to be dead at least others opinions differ 馃槈

CountScrofula41-45, M
Undocumented immigrants pay into society and receive far less from their taxes than citizens. The "we can't afford them" is a false narrative.
@CountScrofula Unfortunately I have never been able to get anyone to show me how a minimum wage earner, (as almost all non-English speaking and illiterate illegal immigrant workers are), can pay enough in taxes to cover health care costs, let alone public school costs, welfare benefits, and all the other things for which people are taxed. No one seems to be able to back up their words with mathematics.

Usually that cost is absorbed by others who are able to earn more, and it averages out. But with massive influxes of new minimum wage earning population, on an unlimited basis, those averages will tilt toward the negative. The progressive candidates now want to allow anyone from anywhere in the world to just decide they want to come here, taking those averages down even further.
CountScrofula41-45, M
@4meAndyou Why should roads be free if wealthy people pay for roads more than poor people? The argument applies in the same way.
@CountScrofula Just reading a little bit about Medicare, which is our current form of free health insurance. You have to pay into it for 30 to 39 quarters...that's 9.75 years, before you can begin to receive benefits, at which point you would be billed $240 per month for standard Part A coverage with a $1,364.00 deductible and 20% co-insurance. Medicare is predicated on the idea that participants will pay in toward it for a long period of time.

If we begin to provide free health care coverage for illegal immigrants they will probably receive minimum wage, with no history of paying in toward benefits. Using minimum wage figures for California, ($12.00 per hour) and a 40 hour work week, we see, using the 2019 tax calculator,

that the minimum wage earner only pays $1,337.20 per year in federal taxes, and $1,909.44 toward eventual social security benefits. For our purposes, $1,337.20 is the only federal tax money that would go toward health insurance and other tax needs. If you look at the federal tax pie, less than 1/3 (22%) goes toward health care. 22% of $1,337.20 = $607.81

Somehow, I can't see how $607.81 a year is going to cover the cost.

Here is a website showing the average cost of health insurance in about 10 states. Kansas, the cheapest state, charges $2,352 per year.

"Health insurance premiums have risen dramatically over the past decade. In the past, insurers would price your health insurance based on any number of factors, but after the Affordable Care Act, the number of variables that impact your health insurance costs have been reduced dramatically. We conducted a study to look at how health insurance premiums vary based on these characteristics. In our data we illustrate these differences by using an example 21 year old. Older consumers will see higher rates with 30 year olds paying 1.135 times more, 40 year olds paying 1.278 times more, 50 year olds paying 1.786x and 64 year olds paying 2.714 times the cost listed."
What will happen is that your hospitals will run out of bed space and patients will face waiting lists longer than their expected lifespan as well as having to be housed in a storage closet when they are finally admitted to hospital because that's the only free space left. For reference, see the NHS in England 馃彺鬆仹鬆仮鬆仴鬆伄鬆仹鬆伩
@SW-User the government is not investing in nhs
SteelHands61-69, M
They want unlimited immigration including unlimited health care for all immigrants.

This doesn't sound prejudiced but it does clarify.
Heartlander80-89, M
Illegal immigrants get counted in the census and that count affects the allocation of House seats and electoral college votes. For every 1 million or so extra illegals, the Democrats gain a seat in the House of representatives.

There are serious political reasons behind the "Welcome to America" for illegals. Another 15 or 20 million and Democrats will own both the House of Representatives and the White House.

Next step will be for them to give illegals the right to vote.
SteelHands61-69, M
Oh heavens there will be a huge increase in casket related costs. Better buy that cemetery plot now. Even if I can't buy that run down dump in chiraq. They'll be more for less.
496sbc36-40, M
you forget Donkyrats dont care how it gets done its just votes for them so they do not care what so ever how me or you or anyone can be inconvenienced from this horse shit
So what is the alternative ? We just let them all die at the border in these detention centers ? We just let sick migrants spread sickness and get others sick ? We should just not view them as human beings who are trying to make a better life for their families ? Do you have a solution ?
@SW-User I think that our lawmakers are supposed to control unlimited immigration. That is supposed to be our alternative. Unfortunately they aren't doing that. Instead, they are offering incentives to illegals, so that more and more will come, crashing our existing systems, and creating this humanitarian crisis.

Everyone wants a better life for their family, but that is not a legal or valid reason to cut the line in front of millions of legal immigration applicants all over the world.

The fact that lawmakers are encouraging them to come here and risk their own lives is criminal. You saw the photo of the drowned man and his little girl.They came here, not because they needed asylum, but because they thought they would have a better life. They thought they could break the law and commit fraud and cut the line, and they died.

We need to put lawmakers in Congress squarely in front of our crosshairs when searching for someone to blame for all this needless suffering. Their appalling greed for votes and power has created this.

It is easy to feel very emotional about this issue, but when you really think about what happens once the people claiming asylum enter the United States, you might think about it differently.

It's a hard fact that 90% of asylum seekers who are given a court date to prove their asylum status simply disappear into the United States and don't show up for court. 90%.

If their claims were legitimate, and if they showed up for court, our laws would protect them and they would be able to live here in freedom, never having to hide.

However, 90% of the people who are claiming asylum know their claims are fraudulent, and that is why they don't show up for their court date. So 90% of all illegal immigrants are committing fraud, and doing it of their own free will and they are dragging their children along with them in order to gain more sympathy, and knowing full well that families with children can NOT be immediately deported by our law.

And they are perfectly willing that their children's lives are put at risk. Perfectly willing.
@4meAndyou 90% ? From what source ?
@SW-User I heard that from the former director of ICE during an interview. Googling the statistic, I have found 50% of websites state it is true, and 50% of websites state that 90% DO show up, so the documentation is as divided as our country. However, I tend to believe a former director of ICE more than I would a blog, or a rag on Google.

The acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security upholds that stat.
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@missionfigdeluxe I am an Independent. I voted for Obama and then I voted for Trump. However, some folks are fixated on pigeonholing people who don't agree with their world view.

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