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Have you ever had to break up with your doctor?

I’ve had it with my family doctor so I’m taking my kid to a new doc today. But first I have to go and get his records... we’ve been going there for many years and he’s a nice guy, but not the best doctor. It’s going to be so awkward. What do I say?
LadyGrace · Best Comment
Okay, what you can do is this. Call the doctor's office ahead of time and tell the receptionist that is rude, that you're calling to let her know that you will be by today to pick up a copy of your and the child's file, as you want to keep records in your personal file at home, as well. Say nothing more. Except please have them ready when I come. She cannot refuse you the records as you have the right to get a free copy of them by law, anytime you wish. She is not supposed to charge you! And I would let her know that, only if she says something about charging you.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Thank you. I took your advice. Just called. What I needed to remember is that I don’t have to give any awkward explanations. Just ask for the records cuz they’re mine! @LadyGrace
@Fallflower exactly. Oh honey I'm so glad you have it settled in your mind. I'm so happy I could help.

SmartKat · 56-60, F
I don’t think you need to get into an explanation at all. If you’re asked, maybe something like, “I believe changing doctors is the right choice for my child at this time.”
xixgun · M
Don’t say anything. You’re a customer, you can go anywhere you damned well please.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Yep I needed to hear that 👍@xixgun
xixgun · M
@Fallflower Regarding the records, they’re yours. You paid for them!
sciguy18 · M
If you don’t want to talk to anyone there and time is not an issue, send a letter to the old doctor’s office asking them to forward your kid’s records to the new doctor.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Well this is me. I’ve left it to the very last minute. @sciguy18
If you don't want to see them, have your new doctor send the request for the records. Just sign the HIPPA release form and let the new doctor's office do the work.
@quitwhendone I think that's the best idea right there.
Fernie · F
" I've grown past you" That's a tough situation. I told my doctor what I was not happy about in her care, we have the right and duty to speak up, she became defensive and I found a better doctor. Your doc's feelings are not more important than yours
Fallflower · 46-50, F
I just mean I don’t care to get into a whole conversation about it. I want my records and that’s it. @Fernie
Fernie · F
@Fallflower Then you need to type in some rules about how far you want the conversation to go ... you posted this and asked for don't like what I said so now you end it. That's cowardly...the same reason you don't have a mature conversation with your I'M done.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Lol seems like we have a misunderstanding. I don’t care to get into a whole convo about it with THEM. I am glad to have a convo about it with you. @Fernie
Thanks so much. 😊
I was facing this recently, when my doctor didn’t seem to be overly concerned with my diabetes management (she wasn’t even the one who initially discovered it, my gynecologist made the diagnoses). I was going to tell her I needed an endocrinologist, when she left the network and the decision was made for me. With a friend’s recommendation I found a new doctor “more familiar with the new type of health challenges I was facing”. 🙂
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Wow. Good thing you switched. This doc is similar, very blasé about things that I think should get addressed! Goodbye to him 👍@bijouxbroussard
fun4us2b · M
I recently changed. I went to the new Dr. and now his office is calling my old Dr. for my records...
When you say you've "had it" with your doctor, what is it that he/she has caused you to take this position and make a change? Was the doctor incompetent? Was the doctor one you felt just went through the motions? Your doctor must have really done something or didn't do something that brought you to this point. Anyway, good luck.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Misdiagnosed my sons impacted wisdom teeth as a throat infection causing weeks of pain and requiring emergency surgery. Prescribed a way too high dose of birth control to my daughter. Not great hours and completely closed at lunch. Sometimes their phone system just doesn’t work at all and you get a busy signal... wtf. And the front desk is completely plastered with repetitive passive aggressive signs that make you feel like a criminal who is trying to escape the copay, lol. I should have done this ages ago. @soar2newhighs
I agree-you should have done this ages ago. Again, good luck with your new choice of care giver.@Fallflower
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
Just tell him that you feel it’s time for a change.... 🤷🏻‍♂️
TexChik · F
People change all the time
I dumped a doc or two not because they weren't good doctors but because I didn't like their personality.
@Fallflower That's reason enough to dump them. You don't need any stress when you go to see the doctor.
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
@Fallflower oh I would tell her that a huge part of the reason I'm leaving is her rudeness
CathyUK · 56-60, F
@Fallflower Sign of a poor practice is rude receptionists.
in10RjFox · M
Records must be centralised and now it can be held on cloud. Its really awkward to do such a thing, but we need to sometimes. I usually say I am going overseas or to another city and ask for a case history and tips ..
KrissyMarie · 46-50, F
That’s always tough. You get so use to your doctor and build that trust. Having to start again sometimes can be a worry
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I would just say we’ve found another doctor.
I've had break-ups with more than one doctor. The last one was a dentist who mutilated me. On investigation by the dental board, he was found to be on drugs and not fit to practice and lost his license over it, so fortunately no one else will be injured. But my mouth and face will never heal. There was too much damage.
I just came from my doctor everything i said to him took me 10 minutes....he just said you want an injection to sort it all out i said okay but he didnt answer half my questions.....he is very busy but he could have just answered so i couod feel assured
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Not good. @Justsimple
harveyspecter · 51-55, M
"Doc, you're awesome and I enjoy seeing you when we come in, but the last five times we've been here you've diagnosed my son with menstrual cramps. What medical school is it that you went to?"
Fallflower · 46-50, F
I think my doctor broke up with ME. I don't think he wants me as a patient.
You don't break up with your doctor. You fire him/her.
MethDozer · M
More like changing pants than a breakup to me.
Fallflower · 46-50, F
Ya think I was overthinking? 🤣@MethDozer
MethDozer · M
@Fallflower Not my place to think about it.

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