Drink plenty of fluids, it will help flush it out. Tylenol or ibuprofen if not allergic...better than nothing.
LookingIn · M
Drink plenty of water to flush it through.
You got any painkillers at all?
You got any painkillers at all?
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@LookingIn yes! I have American ibuprofen, antibiotics, and a 500 mg pain killer prescribed by my doctor. I'll lay off the ibuprofen, cuz I don't know if it'll mix well. Either way, when I took it all together, I felt better than I have before.
Neoerectus · M
[image/video deleted]
Neoerectus · M
Plenty of water. Lemon is acid which helps if calcium stone. If no opioid, the mix of tylenol and ibuprofen (1 each)... each cuts pain differently. Dont overdo tylenol. MG might help since it interacts with CA in body.
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@Neoerectus if no opioid? Sorry, I really don't understand medicine. I've been issued relatively weak medicine (antibiotics and a 500 mg pain killer) is it bad to mix those with ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is the only American medicine that I have and it's much more effective than my current country's medicine.
Thank you!
Thank you!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
There is a legit amazing nerve-fooling trick that happens when you let water run over your lower back. Your brain starts prioritizing impulses from the surface, I guess. I spent half the day in the shower when I had mine.
But you do need the groovy drugs anyway. Kidney stones aren’t dangerous in of themselves, but the pain will fuck you up. I’ve never seen my blood pressure as high as it was when the Vicodin proved insufficient and I tried to tough it out for a day (mine has always been rock solid). You’ve got to get the pain management situation under control, or you’ll age five years in a week.
But you do need the groovy drugs anyway. Kidney stones aren’t dangerous in of themselves, but the pain will fuck you up. I’ve never seen my blood pressure as high as it was when the Vicodin proved insufficient and I tried to tough it out for a day (mine has always been rock solid). You’ve got to get the pain management situation under control, or you’ll age five years in a week.
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@QuixoticSoul I completely understand this. I've been sitting up for the last two nights crying, sweating, and rocking. It. Hurts! It really hurts. I want to cry thinking about it. Right now, I'm drugged up, so I should sleep, but I know it'll be back. I know the pain is going to hit me again.
Thank you :)
Thank you :)
AbbeyRhode · F
Two ounces each of lemon juice and olive oil, taken several times a day till the stones pass.
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@AbbeyRhode thank you!!!!! I've trying the lemon juice! And I'm drinking so much water it's making me sick. Gotta keep peeing.
AbbeyRhode · F
@LostNtheworld The lemon juice will help to break it down. I hope you feel better soon.
Moonpenny · F
I think any doctor would understand 'morphine' if you can manage to get to one.
I feel for you. Take care.
I feel for you. Take care.
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@Moonpenny thank you T.T Morphine? Hmm, I'll try. I'm going to a hospital near me if the pain gets worse!
Moonpenny · F
@LostNtheworld Good luck. If you can get it, you'll be instantly floating!

Ugh. I get kidney stones too. 😢
LostNtheworld · 26-30, F
@SW-User this is my first one. I don't know if I'll survive T.T I never want to do this AGAIN!

@LostNtheworld I know they hurt so bad
Nimbus · M
Lots of water and keep moving, walking around.
It may pass.
It may pass.
Arthur2075 · M
It’s horrible, I feel for you. My doctor issued me with large supositries style pain killers until I had them ‘shot’ externally. Then you have to pass the pieces that takes a day or three.
Paddy42008 · 51-55, M
I have heard beer works too, pee a lot and a bit of a painkiller.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@MrBrownstone Bad idea with the meds, even if they aren’t really doing the trick.