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will scientists find cure for hiv and cancer by 2020 ?

i hope so.
Doubtful. There's more money to be made in the disease than there is the cure
abhinav · 26-30, M
@SW-User agree with you on that.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
if there was a cure they wouldnt make it public... why cure someone when you can treat him forever and make more money
@AngelofFail This is naivety at its finest. The people searching for a cure are researchers making just barely over minimum wage in some cases, when they find a treatment that works or a cure they ONLY get money by publishing those results.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
@RandomForest there are very few independand researchers.. they are employed by big pharma business which has all rights on research results
@AngelofFail That's also not true. Independent labs are often a legal requirement for rollout.
A cure for cancer is a misnomer as there are many types and the treatments are different for each.
gmatthewb · 51-55, M
It would be nice if a lot of different diseases could be cured soon. I don't see it happening though. Maybe one in the next 25 years if we are lucky.
Fernie · F
Even if they do it'll be unaffordable unless you're rich
PeachyK · 100+, F
What if they already have?
Gusman · 61-69, M
Not for years yet.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
1 year? no...

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