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why do people tgink its their right to try to pet and play with my dog

Shes a service dog whos is trained to pick up on panic attacks and help me calm down. Yet people always come up to her to stroke her or distract her. You are put me in danger doing that.

Whats worse is i have had parents yell at me for telling their kids to leave my dog alone. They say “they are just kids so its fine let them. Dont be so stuck up about it” Thats not how it works. Me and dad trained rusky to hide away from people trying to pet her. And i have one had a woman who was annoyed that i told her to leave my dog alone that she followed me around the shop trying to get rusky to come to her. If you have a service dog do you have the same problems
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Tbh, it's unreasonable for you to go out into the world and expect it to revolve around your condition. In case you haven't noticed, people do tend to naturally pet a dog. Perhaps if you don't want anyone touching your dog, you should carry a sign like "No petting" instead of acting like you are being personally targeted.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@frankietime OMG dude. What is your deal?
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@frankietime I would really like to know what you want to accomplish. You have been nothing but disrespectful, arrogant, and unnecessarily stubborn. You need to learn that won't get you very far.
That's bad parenting and just rude for people to do that. My dog isn't a service dog but he doesn't do well with strangers and even when I tell people this they still try and pet him. It's not cool people need to ask the handler and respect the NO
Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
Its understandable on both sides. I dont have a Service dog but i work in a primary school in germany where a child has one. Its just the same there or atleast it was. Now the children are a lot calmer near the dog and its Familie for them to have him there. We also explained the Things to them and the girl made a little presentation infront of her class about it where she showed what her dog could do etc. I know it isnt easy but try to stay calm and just explain why and such Things. Sure in public that isnt easy but for every other Person your dog is just a dog...
It is your dog you have every right to tell people to not pet him
Shayla · F
I blame the parents. If my four year old can understand that he needs the owner's permission before approaching an animal, almost anyone can.
People seem to push their kids to share so much that the idea of having boundaries seems to be an alien concept. If it's not yours and you don't have permission, don't touch.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well I do not think people mean to be uncaring when the see service dogs the are cute and people just want to pet to say "good dog" nothing mean or anything but yes they should ask you first because the are working. But they still like to be petted and given love. I am sure they get a lot love at home .
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
I had a class once on what and what not to do around people with service dogs. I was surprised to learn how trying to pet one takes their focus away from their task and can confuse them.
rachel11 · F
@Rocknrod it really dose that’s why I hate people doing it
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
@rachel11 they probably don't realize the seriousness of it.
well a well trained dog is pretty cool - but what bugs me is some dog that comes right up to you slobbering all over your pants and the owner doesn't do much - I guess they expect you to pet it - I Don't like to pet a strange dog.
does the dog have a sign on it saying working dog, do not pet?
rachel11 · F
@SW-User yes she dose
@rachel11 then they are stupid
HifromJim · M
Most people a dog is a dog and loves to be petted, its a lack of understanding.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
They cant see your personality mate... try to be patient with them and forgive them for their behavior. Im sure they want you no ill.
rachel11 · F
@MartinTheFirst i have the attack or worse i faint or collaps. And in a worst case i will hurt myself
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@rachel11 so the dog is only barking?
rachel11 · F
@MartinTheFirst not barking she alerts me by stopping in front of me whinning and if its bad then barks
Dogs are pets
rachel11 · F
@SW-User yes but service dogs are not just pets they have a job as well
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@SW-User Pets are private!! They may go out with you, it doesn't mean they suddenly belong to everyone around you.
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Cute doggie
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
Get a sign that says, "Leave my F*CKING dog alone!!! Don't ask!!"
Anything that happens after that is entirely on them.
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@AnneHoney For insurance, they have to.
rachel11 · F
@JimminyChristmas she has a service dog vest that says do not pet on it
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@rachel11 Put it on a t-shirt, you're the one they want to argue with.😁 Tell people they need to teach their kids some manners.
They're probably ignorant, and don't understand what a service dog is, they must be pretty ignorant though, if your dogs wears a do not pet vest they're idiots as well, sorry that you encounter such idiots
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Surely your dog wears a "do not pet" vest? People are idiots.
rachel11 · F
@CoffeeFirst she dose
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@rachel11 That just makes it even worse that they do it. Ggrrrrrr.

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