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I recently became a vegan. Is it always gonna be this hard.

I'm mainly doing it for health reasons but obviously for the animals as well. I just hope it's not gonna be this hard because as a former meat eater, meat still tastes good. I have a pretty big appetite so with this new diet, I have to eat a lot more to feel content. That part sucks.
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Sunujing · 46-50, M
Human beings are biologically not intended to be vegan. This is obvious from our teeth and the fact that you can’t get all dietary necessities from plants. You must take supplements or you will not feel good. There are several key nutrients you will be missing. And you need to plan your meals carefully to ensure you are getting all the right amino acids. It is challenging and viciously expensive.
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@Sunujing Not true but okay. It's not rocket science like most people think it is.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Sunujing "Human beings are biologically not intended to be vegan.
— The point is what we want to be.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Sunujing Actually, being a vegetarian or vegan saves money. It's not expensive.
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juwanaman · 26-30, M
@Greenbare You're very ignorant. I recommend you to watch this video this video and maybe you'll be educated. If you really lost your friends then sorry for your loss but I never claimed there isn't a wrong or right way to go about this. There is absolutely a wrong way to do this but you can get all your nutrients on a whole food, vegan diet. Again watch this video. I'm not being in denial of the 'dark side' to veganism. There is always a light to the dark and most definitely doing it the right way will lead you to that light.

How to Prevent Deficiencies on a Vegan Diet
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Love4All · 56-60, F
It might be for a while until you find food that will fill you and proteins
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@Love4All True, true.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
If you completely eliminate sugar, corn syrup and all very high carb foods, and eat more protein (nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, vegan meat products, vegan cheeses, brocoli, protein shakes etc.) you will find you are not that hungry.

It does get easier, I am told, by those who have learned to live that way.
You can eat Beans, milk, drink water and workout. You would be fine. And never forget have a very good variety of food to make sure you get enough nutrition. Being vegan is healthy and difficult at the same time
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@SW-User Milk is diary , unless you mean soy milk.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@juwanaman Actually pubmed and many scientific sources state that plants are not considered complete proteins because they do in fact lack a few amino acids that you need.
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger I never said I'd only eat plants for proteins. Tofu, rice, beans contain protein but aren't meat.
abe182 · 51-55, M
It's not healthier
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@juwanaman Meat is not carcinogenic. The only thing that might make meat bad is too much protein which is what most Americans get when they eat out twice a day four times a week. Too much protein causes too much amino acids. While amino acids are essential, they are not needed in the large dose that is mostly caused by the SAD and not by meat alone.

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

Even when they do finally shop, it's all junk food anyways, those people can hardly be called true meat eaters. This is primarily where they get cancer and diabetes from is eating simple sugars, yo-yo dieting, not exercising, eating processed CARBS for the most part and giant large sodas.

So meat being carcinogenic is nonsense.
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger Sorry, just because you say it's not carcinogenic doesn't make it true just for your own relief. I'll even link you to a credible source, unlike yourself just stating things just to state it. You seem very ignorant and not willing to your own research and just in denial because you eat meat and don't want to feel guilty so you're saying it's not so just to clear your own guilty conscience of eating it and convincing yourself it's not a health risk. Here are my sources. If you want to debunk it, please reply with a source back not just baseless statements like 'it's not true'. You have to come better then that.
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helenS · 36-40, F
It isn't really that hard. I live mainly from white bread, olive oil, salt and pepper.

I drink milk though. (I know the cow's name!)
I’m a vegan too I have been for a few months now. You can buy vegan soya meat and there is loads of sweets that are vegan and some vegan chocolate and you can even get vegan cake. There’s plenty of soya milk and butter and bread that’s vegan. There are plenty of vegan foods just look it up on peta for the accidentally vegan foods and there are stores that sell vegan foods
That is definitely a big change. I suggest you get a nutritionists advice so you do not miss out on essential nutrients and also, they will suggest meal plans that work for you.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@juwanaman what else do you do for proteins?
I’ll research as my daughter’s going vegan it seems but I don’t see she’s eating a lot of protein
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@Love4All I just started so I'm not an expert. Lol I'd just say do your research. But for myself, I want to try tofu, beans, etc.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@juwanaman definitely cause she’s allergic to nuts
SheikYerbouti · 51-55, M
Lots of people are vegans/vegetarians and live long healthy lives. Many athletes are vegans. It just isn't for everyone. There is no "one for all" diet.
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@SheikYerbouti Never said there was?
SheikYerbouti · 51-55, M
@juwanaman So you're in agreement?
After like one year or two you won't bebabke to look at meat the same
Love4All · 56-60, F
@juwanaman it’s so hard. Good luck 👍🏼
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@Love4All You tried and failed or something.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@juwanaman gluten free and dairy
Wildcard20 · 51-55, M
God created Cows and pigs for a reason. Their a good food source.
Wildcard20 · 51-55, M
That’s impossible. God created everything.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Wildcard20 God created mercury lamps?
Wildcard20 · 51-55, M
I can tell you man didn’t create cows.
Wales · M
You will get used to it over the years. Your tastes are conditioned.
juwanaman · 26-30, M
@xixgun Well thanks. lol

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